Its that time of year again and for a contest, this year, I thought I'd do something a little different. For me, Halloween is all about being scared and what's scarier than a bad mary sue in an even worse fanfic? So now its time for us to scare ourselves silly with Raziel's ~Scary Sue~ Contest!

Rules for the Scary Sue Contest

For anyone that doesn't already know, a Mary Sue (or just Sue) is an original character in fanfiction with overly idealized and clichéd mannerisms, lacking noteworthy flaws, and primarily functioning as a wish-fulfillment fantasy for the author. For more on the Mary Sue, see Bella Swan.

For this contest, contestants must design the worst Legacy of Kain Mary Sue they can conceive. In other words, you're going to create a monster

Here are the guidelines for writing your Scary Sue

Name: Pretty straight forward, if you can't think of an awesome name for them, just give them yours!

Appearance: You must describe your Sue's appearance and don't be afraid to be overly descriptive! Go wild! Describe their hair, their eyes, what they're wearing, the size of their feet, etc. Give people a good idea of what your character looks like, because how are readers going to truly fall in love with you-I mean your character if they don't know exactly what they look like?

Personality: What's a character without a winning personality? Well, they would be more likable if they had some actual character and were well developed, but that's not what we're going for. Tell us what kind of person they are and throw in some past, off screen experiences that made them the person they are today.

Relationships: They aren't somebody until they have some kind of relationship with one of the characters. Are they Raziel's lover? Kain's long lost twin sister? The favourite fledgling of one of the main vampires? Maybe all of the above? Forget fleshing out relationships with a well developed story, force them! Forget that Kain is cold and ruthless, when he's around your character, they're so awesome that he acts like an OoC lovesick puppy.

One of these things is not like the other: The LoK universe is pretty set in stone, isn't it? Two vampires confronting each other across time, trying to figure out the mystery of one and other and the role they play in history as they are met with opposition by unseen, dark forces... how boring... make it a little more interesting and change the setting to fit your character! Maybe there's another series you like besides LoK? Well, make it a crossover! It'll only be twice as awesome if you fuse two completly unrelated series together~

Destiny awaits you: Your character may not know it yet, but you certainly do. You know that the very balance of Nosgoth depends on your characters actions and without them, something terrible might happen. Describe their importance to the story and how everyone and everything would be lost without them.

Now, before you begin making your Mary Sue, everyone needs to know that this is all in fun. Don't get offended if someone makes fun of a series you like, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. With that said, be nice to each other and have fun!

Also, no voting for your own Mary Sue to win~