But they said the controls didn't work well untill they put Kirby in it. And it wasn't just because they didn't care and knew it would sell better because of Kirby, because this got lots of awesome reviews.
Probably because before that it was developed by Good Feel or whatever, and Nintendo hadn't dipped their hands into it?

The Eleventh AK
I'm not seein' how Paper Mario being an RPG makes any difference with what I said. It's the same idea, Mario with a crazy unique art-style. Now I'm not saying they WILL make sequels, I'm just saying I really wouldn't be too shocked if they did. Would you, Fish? Would you be shocked if they announced a sequel? You some kinda f*****t or somethin?
I'm saying that it seems a little less likely because Paper Mario games retain their own separate gamestyle apart from the "real" Mario games. They're RPGs, whereas Mario is a platformer. Epic Yarn is a Kirby game already, it doesn't have anything to really differentiate itself from other Kirby games, other than, I suppose, the fact that Kirby doesn't get powers. It's still a side-scrolling platformer like the other handfuls of Kirby games have been before it, so I don't see why they would make a sequel to this one.

I'd imagine they've scrounged for fabrics and ideas to use with the whole fabric-shop aesthetic; I just don't see them coming out with another one and still being able to wow anyone. "Oh hey, it's another Kirby Yarn game." I just don't think people would care the second time.

Each Kirby game seems to have one "thing" about it to differentiate itself from the myriad of others. He's a ball and you direct him with a stylus. He's a golf ball and you play golf. It's a huge world with a mirror version to it. Amazing co-op play. It looks like it's made out of fabric.

With Paper Mario they can still do a lot of other things with the RPG elements and the paper aesthetic makes things look simple and charming while they do it. Epic Yarn is banking on its yarn aesthetic, it's not taking a backseat.

They could make another though, yeah.

It plays differently. Kirby doesn't fly, and he can do that whip thing.