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The World of Darth - Characters Profiles

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Zulma san

Generous Knight

9,000 Points
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:08 am
Here is a thread dedicated to the Characters Profiles in the World of Darth.

The Blessed

The Civilians

The Fangs

The Lycans

The Unit (dismantled)

wahmbulance No One is to post here without my authorization first! wahmbulance  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:10 am
The Blessed

Username: AzureRed7
Name: Mira Lightheart
Age: 23

Race: Human
Group: Blessed

Biography: Mira was born in to a family that had been suspected of being vampires, not true because Mira proved to be human herself. Two years after her birth, her house was burned to the ground and she retreated as quickly as possible in to the forest. It was dark and whispers of the night shoothed her, yet she was wary because they sounded menancing. The next few years of her life, Mira was a violent orphan, her pride made her even more dangerous as she figured she was never wrong. She was adopted by a priest who showed her the path of light. As a small fire started one day from intense heat Mira was interested in it. The fire got smaller as she thought of it, but it grew in to a full grown fire as quickly as her thoughts faltered. The priest simply put it out and smiled at Mira, she had a gift, but it was a wild horse. He thoguht it best to teach her the way of violence with reason so she could use her abilities more openly, she later joined the blessed as one of their paladins, the swords of justice and arms of God.

Unique ability: With the power of fire, Mira believes she can purge the land of the evils that plague it. She has mild control over flames and if she creates them they form a burning cross on all of her weapons, except her throwing "knives" which become omni-crosses. The fire is not that of a normal fire, it burns white-hot and looks as if they are the purging flames of God. After going a few rounds with the enemy the flames start to crawl up to Mira and burn her in return for their power. This has put her out of some serious battle, but the price for increasing her ability to battle the unnatural was always worth it.

Weapon: Mira has a fluted rapier for easy movement through the air, and through the ribs of her foes. It looks normal, except it has been blessed by the holy priests of her order, she proudly stands against vampires with this blade and her holy orders. For werewolves who are stronger than her by a ver large mark, she has ranged ways of dealing with the beasts. She has crosses held around her waist and sharpened to the point of being called throwing knives, made of pure silver she stands against them from a safe distance. Her final weapon is also blessed, it's a small dagger used for rituals, she would happily use it to destroy the never-ending darkness. Mira also happens to be well-versed in the art of poison-brewing and carries a total of two vials of bane for werewolves. As a paladin of the light, she is always well-equipped with items like these, though using them is just a matter of when.

Description physic: Mira has long flowing silver locks. Her hair reaches past her back, sometimes this gets in the way of combat because it's easily snagged. She has a young face and is often mistaked as an eighteen year old because of it. Though she is the weapon of the blessed, her small stature make her seem less than a threat, she has proven that she can delive pious justice in a flash though. With the ability to control fire a bit, Mira has protected herself from a variety of burns, her skin looks new, if not a bit pale. Her eyes are black like a moonless night, but sometimes a reflection will make her seemingly have purple eyes. She wears her orders garbs, cut in various places for free movement. She printed a white cross on her suit as a show of loyalty, though she wears black as an advantage in the middle of the night. Her smile only takes part of her face, this is a habit she never noticed, so when she smiles it seems like a smirk.
Transformed form: None

Description mental: Mira is calm and rarely stirred anymore because of her life with the priest. Even in battle she calculates every outcome and cannot be frightened easily. She cannot stand vampires and will chase them more often than werewolves, they are one of her fears and she cannot stop until they all return to dust. Mira has a warming demeanor most of the time since she may find herself rescusing a civilian, she has practiced using emotions to better herself. She once cut herself off from her feelings to stop being violent, but that didn't work, even so she can't come out of sounding cold in her speech sometimes.
Sin: Pride

Other information: Mira has a slight fear of the dark because of her childhood trauma, it naturally should be fire but she learned to deal with it.


Creator: Tonas
Role played as NPC by: Angeles & Zulma san

Name: Vincent Roseblood
Age: 43

Race: Human
Group: The Blessed

Journal Entry
Darth 1221, September 1st

At last, at last, some sign that God truly does favor his chosen. The werewolf b***h, (hah, how appropriate), is no more. It seems my contributions to the Extremists were well worth it. I did not spend my entire life battling those fiends for nothing.

Sister, you will be avenged. I will never forgive father for becoming one of them. I will never forget the look in his eye when he came home, infected with vampirism. He was supposed to protect us, to provide for us. But he came to us, trying to feed on us, trying to satiate his hunger. There was nothing I could do to stop him in time... I can never forgive myself for allowing him to kill you, sister. I took my vengeance out on him as he neared me though. I shouted at him, "Murderer! Monster! You have no right to call yourself our father!". He closed the distance between us and prepared to take my life as well. I was only sixteen, but I was very much in shape at the time. I sent my knee soaring into his chest, sending him spiraling into the kitchen table, which splintered and sent pieces of wood everywhere. My mind was so full of righteous anger, Angela, I grasped a splintered hunk of wood as I charged towards his recovering form and drove it through his chest. That b*****d... I decapitated his infected head with a meat cleaver and with tears in my eyes I laid both your bodies to rest in a bonfire.

It wasn't long after that I took the life of a craftsman to its fullest extent. At the age of twenty-two, I forged my masterwork, "The Thornblade". I knew, as my hands trembled from pulling the heated metal from its black anvil, as it was doused in water and the steam cleared, that this was the pinnacle of my work, there would never be anything made by these hands of that quality ever again. I took the silver blade and spent the last twenty years remaining in the shadows, striking the unwary and ill-prepared demons as they leisurely attempted to feed on human flesh and blood. There were several occasions where my speed failed and human lives were lost and each one of them ring in my mind clear as day, I will never forget them. None of it *had* to happen though, none of these deaths were written into fate, they occurred because of these demons who plague our very existence!

This *peace* is nothing more than a fabrication of three brainless children, a declaration of foolish hope long since bereft and left to decay and wither, built on an insecure foundation that desires itself to be undone. There can be no peace between those fiends that prey on us as food, or even worse, the werewolves who have even less tact than that of the other fiends. Father Bartolomeo has shown me the light. Under his guidance, and that of the other Blessed, we men and women of faith will rise up to take our rightful place in the world as the true dominant species.

There will be a reckoning. There will be vengeance, and there will be blood.


Unique ability: Control of Fire and Heat.

Weapon:"The Thornblade", a sword of pure silver forged by his own hands. This weapon is roughly 4'10" long, and 3" wide from tip to hilt. The blade is serrated on one side, leaving many vicious teeth to inflict the most possible pain on the target, even if the attack is only a glancing blow. The other edge of the blade is extremely thin, slicing the wind as it moves, making a barely audible but high-pitched wail through the air, a design intended to cause more pain to werewolves due to their sensitive ears. The hilt and bell guard is decorated in the form of a rose, a reminder of his past and his family's lineage.

Description physic:Vincent at this age is at the pinnacle of his physical strength and appearance, he is slowly degrading from this point on. He stands at roughly 6'4" and weighs 215 lbs. His face has begun sinking, showing more wrinkles with each passing year, his hair which was once a jet black now carries streaks of gray and white within its trimmed edges, even showing up in the usual stubble that pronounces his once chiseled features. His eyes have not lost their luster however, their deep emerald irises shine bright with a determination that cannot be denied despite their drooping housing of weak flesh and muscle.

He wears a large weathered green coat which is permeated with countless pockets, and a few holes. Across his shoulders are brass pauldrons, which give him a far more intimidating stature as well as protection around his neck and quintessential veins and arteries. Beneath his coat is a large leather baldric which houses "The Thornblade" along with numerous other countermeasures against the demi-humans. In addition to his dark coat, he wears a wide brimmed brown hat, which casts a shade on his features.

Description mental: The former blacksmith turned hunter of hunters has an undying desire to see a world without the demi-humans and has placed everything else as secondary. He has few friends, no lover, no family. "Only more possible victims." in his own words. This solidarity, this overzealous desire has led him to become very aggressive, irritable and distrusting of others. Despite this critically flawed mindset, he has hardened his heart and feels no remorse for the demons he kills, only for the humans whom he fails to save. He is highly intelligent and uses expert tactics and strategy when attempting to confront his enemies. There are many of the wolves and vampires who fear the sound of "The Thornblade" escaping its sheath.

Sin: Wrath; Vincent is so vehement in his desire to eradicate all non-humans that he would likely do anything to see to their destruction, even sacrificing comrades, should it suit his purposes.  

Zulma san

Generous Knight

9,000 Points
  • Seasoned Warrior 250
  • Battle: Knight 100
  • Battle: KO 200

Zulma san

Generous Knight

9,000 Points
  • Seasoned Warrior 250
  • Battle: Knight 100
  • Battle: KO 200
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:12 am
The Civilians

Username: Angeles Valentine

Name: Countess Angeles Valentine
Age: 504 Appears to be in her late twenties

Race: Vampire
Group: Citizen

Biography: Angeles Valentine was born many centuries ago. She was raised to be the eye-candy to promote business between her family and other wealthy aristocratic families. This led to her discovery by the Valentine family, where she caught the eye of Lucifer Valentine, heir to the family name. The two soon got to know each other well and even began to fall in love. Her father was very pleased to have such a strong connection to such and old and renowned family and pushed her to marry. She was all too happy to do so except for one very big problem. Lucifer and the other Valentine family members were vampires.

Lucifer tried very hard to hide his identity from Angeles but she soon discovered what he was a couple months after their wedding. With her discovery she was confined to her room and kept prisoner until the Valentines could figure out what to do with her without breaking their ties to her family. It was decided that she would be killed, then made to look as if she had fallen from a severe illness. The preparations were made against Lucifer’s will. She was poisoned and put to bed while her family was contacted with the terrible news. They came to visit her and see her state of health, and neither of their family doctors could do anything to help her. Her family finally accepted that she was going to die of this unknown illness and finally said their goodbyes.

However, before a deadly dose could be given to her, Lucifer stole her away into the night and ran from his family. He took shelter in Barton and hid Angeles away, nursing her back to health. However when she recovered she was afraid of him and tried to run back to her family only to find that they had all been killed and their treasury emptied. Lucifer caught up to her in her shock then comforted her the best he could, taking her back to Barton. She slowly recovered from her family’s death and was finally beginning to be happy once more being with Lucifer until assassins hired by the Valentine family found them and attacked. Lucifer and Angeles were both severely injured and left for dead. But with his remaining strength Lucifer crawled over to Angeles and gave her the choice to live or die. Afraid to die she chose life, and Lucifer bit her, then died in her arms.

Angeles slowly adapted to her new life as a vampire and built up her strength until one day she walked into the Valentine family manor and challenged Lucifer’s father to battle. With his pride on the line he accepted and fought against Angeles. It was not an easy victory, and wounded and exhausted, Angeles dealt the killing blow, earning her rank among the Valentine family as Countess Valentine. She now lives her life at peace with herself and her past, living her life as she chooses, but never losing memory of who she was, and who she had loved.

After the war of the races Angeles took up being a hunter, specifically of her own kind. This forced her to be an outcast among the vampires, but well welcomed among those who despised them, mainly among the Werewolves and humans. Trust, however, is always an issue.

Unique ability: Telepathy

Weapon: Deathwhisper - A weapon which has many forms: a whip, a short sword, a long sword, a buckler-shield, a flail, a scythe, a spear, a bow/arrows, a double-sided sword, an ax, a claymore, a cloak, a staff, and a dagger.

Description physic: Angeles has long white hair, pale skin, vampiric green eyes which glow red when she is excited, pearly white teeth equipped with fangs as all of her race is on the top and bottom jaws, the lower fangs being smaller. She also has pointed ears and sharp fingernails at the end of long thin fingers set to delicate hands. She always wears black, oftentimes boots, trench coat, corset, utility belt, her hunter kit and her deathwhisper. She wears the black orchid pinned to the fold of her duster as a sign that she accepts what she is and has no desire to change.
Transformed form: A large lithe white wolf with green eyes.

Description mental: Angeles is content with herself and what she is, viewing it as beneficial to her lifestyle. She takes the good and bad of any situation and acts accordingly. When she is not working she is usually found wandering around or resting inside somewhere drinking blood. She holds no prejudices, only the belief that killing excessively will only get you killed.
Sin: N/A

Other information: Hunter Kit: Aspen Stakes and Hammer, Holy Water, Silver Crucifix. Owns a white horse named Alexandria.


Username: Angeles Valentine

Name: Leon Walker

Age: 33

Race: Human
Group: None

Biography: Leon was raised among peace-loving humans that harbored no ill-will towards either of the immortal races. Like most young men he was raised to follow in the footsteps of his father’s trade, a blacksmith, but after receiving a small toy boy for his eight birthday his dream changed. With support from his parents Leon was put under the apprenticeship of a local ranger who taught him the ways of the woods and the art of the bow.

Leon soon moved out of apprenticeship and became a ranger himself whose fame soon spread far and wide. Word of his skill reached the ears of the Vampire king who beseeched him for a show. Impressed the king offered him a position on the unit, but Leon declined and returned to being a Ranger.

However, soon after the king called upon him again, this time for a different reason. He was given a mission by the dejected-looking vampire, a mission that he could reveal to no one, not even the unit. A mission concerning the truth about the death of Queen Charlotte.

Unique ability: Wind

Weapon: Composite longbow and arrows as well as ten throwing daggers.

Description physic: Leon has long dark brown hair and bright blue eyes set with a face matured with age and sobered with experience. He stands at about 5’8 with a toned body, but not one that could be described as ‘built.’ He wears leather clothes appropriate for his line of work: pants, a shirt, a belt, a cloak and boots. He also carried around with him several supplies necessary to live in the wild.

Description mental: Leon can be considered calm and collected, thinking an action through before taking any action at all. He is cautious both about situations and people, whom he has trouble feeling empathy towards. He can be very blunt, uncaring towards others’ emotions, and seemingly unaware of the hurt his words can cause. Because of this, though, it can often be trusted that whatever he says is the truth. Though his sin is lust he is not one to be very flirtatious.

Sin: Lust

Other Information: Ranger's pack: twenty feet of silk rope, fire-starting materials (flint, steel, kindling, oil), waterskin, rations, maps, mirror, basic tools, sleeping gear, twenty caltrops, ten feet of medium-weight chain, small mirror, eight rolls of parchment, ten pitons, four torches, small flask of holy water, one silver rod, sewing needle and thread, first-aid kit (wrap, gauze, bandages, flask of alcohol, ), whetstone, small shovel, three pieces of chalk, 1 bundle of wood, fishhook and line, 1 small net, 1 small whistle, spyglass, walking stick. A bay-colored horse named Samuel.


Username: Enradus

Name: Namsu Darne
Age: Physical Age - 23 / Real Age - 339

Race: Werewolf
Group: Citizen

Biography: Namsu Darne is a traveling philosopher. He walks on to discover new ideas and give advice to those who need it. He is known to many people as a sage and a saint, providing what he can out of his meager supplies to help those around him. But no one knows the true purpose of his world-wide pilgrimage. When asked he simply says, "There are times when a traveler will choose his path. Other times, the path will choose the traveler. Alas, I have not yet discovered which one I am." And he walks away with his signature hat tipped over his eyes, the feather in its strap waving in the air. But under the tip of his hat, his eyes gleam golden.

Whatever his pilgrimage may be, he can be a dangerous fighter. He fights with a combination of staff and barehanded hits, using his werewolf blood to its fullest advantage. His favorite move is to have himself backed into a corner, then plant a foot into the wall and jump towards the foe with a lightning-quick strike that few can parry or dodge.

Unique ability: Improved jumping ability.

Weapon: Wooden staff with metal core, three inches taller than Namsu. Unscrews in the middle to use as twin batons.

Description physic: He is considerably short for a werewolf of his age, around five feet flat. He wears a tall, pointy brown hat remniscent of a wizard or warlock's with a long orange peacock feather stuck in the black headstrap. Around his torso, he wears a burlap shirt under a leather vest with string holding together the V made by the front part of the collar of his shirt. The sleeves are rolled op to his elbows, though they keep falling back down. He then dons a pair of brown traveling pants with no pockets, bound at the ankles with wet cloth and tucked into his boots, which are bound with buckles and leather straps. He wears rough leather gloves over his hands as he holds his taff in his right and the strap of his knapsack on a finger of his left. Namsu himself has a lean, strong human form. He has tanned skin, scraggly pitch black hair, and golden eyes that people say, "could outshine the sun when they light up." Around his neck he wears a single golden coin with a hole stuck through it hanging from a silver chain.

Transformed form: He transforms into an upright werewolf, inverted hind legs on the ground with a torso closer to a humans save for his wolf head and paws. His fur is a majority of the black from his hair, with white fur over his belly, muzzle, paws, ear tips, and tail tip. He also has two white dots of fur just above his eyes, close to the middle of his forehead. the digits of his front paws become slightly elongated to better grip things such as his staff of satchel. In terms of clothes, he will often still wear his vest, pants and hat. But when he really needs to delve into his primal side, he takes all of his clothing off.

Description mental: He is very stable mentally, and although he does have his beast instincts. He has a firm belief in justice and peace. He does not abhor fighting, but says it is like almost like a drug to him. "I know it is wrong in any instance, be it for good or for evil. But that feeling after a good battle, to feel the blood in your veins racing out to your body then back to your heart a million times a moment... there is nothing to compare to it."

Other information: He once had a conversation with a cat that lasted an entire day. the cat left when it saw something shiny, but Namsu considers it one of the most important conversations of his life.


Username: MacPere

Name: Rolias Allen

Race: Human
Group: Citizen

Biography: In the year 1188, the Allen family, having no prestigious place in society, gave birth to their first son. Rolias, was to be his name. Both parents did not wish for the child to be born into the war-torn society they fought within, so they sheltered him, keeping his gaze away from the windows and doors, in case he caught a glimpse of the night creatures, 'cretin of the world', as they called them.

Time passed and as Rolias grew, he became more and more aware of the 'creatures', roaming the cobbles with curious intent. He had always been home-schooled and only allowed outside for designated times, so he hadn't ever witnessed or come to be in the presence of one. His parents heavily critisized his pursuit, however, as members of The Blessed and baptised him in Holy water many times over to rid his 'sinful' mind of the 'infidel' thoughts. From that point onward, his curiousity earned him no place in his parents' hearts or minds, both of which devoting themselves entirely to the faction and forcing the boy himself to pratice sword-fighting with rapiers.

Within a couple of years, Rolias' parents both passed during the winter months, one from battle and the other from the grief, leaving the young man to split his time between tending to his father's business; attending university to study medicine and looking after the house. Whilst working in his father's place, he met with a young woman and immediately fell in love, wedding and having her move into the house months after.

Slowly, Rolias adjusted to the life of an adult; having never been taught how to handle himself in modern society. He had passed his university degree with flying colours and began work at the local hospital, climbing to become one of the best at hand. He had been attending to a bitten woman when the news of the Werewolf Queen's death reached his ears. All were jumping on the newspapers being handed out and gasping, muttering how the balance would be tipped. He couldn't take it.

As soon as he could, he take a newspaper and walked back to his home, opening the door and walking to the drawing room his pregnant wife was usually found.

The newspaper in Rolias' hand fell. He had found her, except... He choked. The blue-walled drawing room had now taken on a red colour, spatters and blotches everywhere. Claws marked the wall's surface and on the chair before him...

Even at the funeral, he would not hold any hostility toward the likes of vampires and werewolves. Hate bred more hate. Everyone has a reason for doing as they will.

... Or at least, as a saver of lives, that is what he hoped.

Unique ability: The will of air

Weapon: Dual silver rapiers, affectionately named Agne and Aello, which he had originally kept more for a powerful display of his family's history than defence.

Description physic: Rolias has medium length blond hair which was constantly being tied up in a ribbon by his wife, the man himself continuing the habit. His eyes are a bright aqua which contrast greatly from his skin. As a sheltered child, his skin has remained to be quite pale, even when the sun does catch it. His outfits always consist of suits and, whilst at work, a white jacket, with simple dress shoes.

Description mental: Rolias had always been deprived of attention when little, so he is a little reserved at first. He is optimistic regarding most subjects, but becomes cynical at the mention of factions. He prefers to tend to and care for others than be in the thick of fighting and tends to attach himself to others easily as he is very trusting. His mental health is always questioned by his colleagues at the hospital, having been through parental rejection and finding his wife ripped open.

Sin: Lust. He seems to attach himself to others quickly and find most attractive, an especially bad combination with an ravening appetite.

Other information: Rolias has an inept fear of spiders.


Username: Ale Posselna

Name: Ria Mizumi (formerly Arrowind)
Age: 27

Race: Human
Group: Citizen

Biography: Ria is the only child of King Christopher's amanuensis. Since an early age, she was encouraged by her father to study and question the world around her, especially in the city where she lives. Ria proved to be a very good student and always obtained the highest scores in every school she attented to. She was never liked by the other kids, for she despised them for not being as smart as she was, and spent more of her childhood surrounded by adults, who were very indulgent with this young and eager learner. She developed interest in several areas of knowledge, Natural Sciences and Alchemy as favourites. While attending her classes at the Royal Academy at an early age, Ria decided she would become a scholar for such a prestigious institute, or even follow her father's footsteps, but her stepmother decided otherwise.

Melissa always regarded with concern the way her stepchild had been brough up. Proud and in lack of social skills towards the ones her age, Ria never cared about boyfriends or courtship or marriage. Melissa, fearing the girl would end up single and alone, set up her marriage with a young aristocrat from the Arrowind family. Her father,instigated by his wife and also sharing her fears, did not defend her daughter and gave his approval for the union.

Ria felt furious and betrayed. She couldn't care less for the young man himself, but the marriage implied the loss of the freedom she loved and always had taken for granted. She rebelled against the ideia of being married and decided never to bear children.

Not that it made any difference. The young man also didn't care for her, he only accepted the marriage due to Ria's family connection to the Royal Household, and left her in peace, never demanding anything from her. Ria took this situation surprisingly well, and they lived in their quiet indifference for each other for some years, Ria with her studies and her researches, Anwas with his mysterious errands.

Five years later Anwas passed away in mysterious circunstances. Ria found herself heiress of a wealthy fortune and decided to live on her own from that day onward, like she always wanted. She returned to her maiden name, as a sign that she forgave her parents, who resigned to the ideia of never having grandchildren and never insisted on the subject of marriage again. She continued her studies at the Royal Academy and gained a reputation among the most erudite circles. She never found out why Anwas died at such a young age.

Unique ability: The will of water

Weapon: A long silver dagger she affectionally named Spring. It belonged to her father and was a gift from King Christopher.

Description physic: Ria is of medium height (1,65 m) and has an athletic figure. She has faint blue hair,cut short by the neck, pale skin and grey eyes. Her face displays asian features. Due to swimming in the river every morning since she was very young, she can hold her breath for a period of time longer than normal people can. She's also very flexible. She always wears the finest materials on every ocasion.
Transformed form: n/a

Description mental: Ria is very rational and never acts impulsively. She analyses every situation and always chooses the solution that benefites her the most. She acts polite and civil, but she's very proud and doesn't care much for those who are not cultivated like she is. She does not like to be called by her married name, but replies to it when necessary. She doesn't like children and rarely smiles. She cares not about The Extreme Factions and lives her life according to the rules of the Triumvirate.

Sin: Pride. Ria thinks highly of herseft and usually disregards other people's opinions. She hardly admits she may be wrong sometimes.

Other information: Ria is an eximious chess player. She collects unusual artifacts as a hobby.


Username: Miss McNinja

Name: Kristoph Rosenbach
Age: 31

Race: Human
Group: Citizen

Biography: Kristoph is a typical hard-working family man. He works in the city of Jericho as a Blacksmith, having taken the responsibility of running it from his late father, who spent many years teaching Kristoph everything he knew about weaponmaking. His store can be located in the city center, the sign above the window reading "Rosenbach's Weapons." It's doors are open to all races due to his neutral political stance. Besides, cutting off his business to two races would mean losing a good portion of potential sales, and in turn would mean less money to provide for his family.

His elderly mother lives on the outskirts of the city, living the rest of her days as best she can. He also has a younger brother named Markus who owns a small grocery stall on the market. The brothers keep in contact, but since the death of their father, Kristoph's mother has cut herself off from her family and refuses contact from the two men. It is unknown why, but they both think it is because they remind her too much of her deceased husband.

Kristoph manages to live as comfortably as he can manage. Above his shop, the second level upstairs houses him, his wife, and their child. It is a little cramped, but they try to be grateful as long as there's food on the table and a warm fire to sit at. When times are tough for his business, he will usually stretch himself and also do some extra work as a laborer to help make ends meet.

Kristoph has been happily married to his wife Alice for ten years, and has fathered a quiet (and extremely shy) five year old son named Cedric. (Shortened simply to "Ced" on informal occasions.) The boy takes after his father mostly, having his father's kind blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. However, the child is more like his mother in his quiet nature and short stature. Kristoph hopes that one day he can teach his son all that he knows and leave the family in his care, just as his own father had done years before. Together the family reside quite peacefully and happily in the city...

But the recent death of Queen Charlotte has caused some concern. Will these recent events shatter his quiet home life?
Unique ability: The Will of Metal

Weapon: A single-handed steel rapier. The handle of the blade is ornate, with twisted metal decorating the handle, as well as serving the purpose of shielding the hand of it's user. A black leather scabbard on his belt attaches it to Kristoph's waist on the left side. It is a family heirloom, and Kristoph is very protective of where he places the weapon and making sure it is in good care when in the hands of others. As a blacksmith in the busy city centre of Jericho, Kristoph also has a fairly large amount of weaponry available to him at his home.

Description physic: The man stands at a fairly average height of five foot and eight inches tall. His chin-length, dirty blonde hair is usually quite unkempt and brushed backwards out of his face. Hard work has caused him to age a little faster than most people, his blue eyes seeming tired, and wrinkles are now starting to appear on his forehead and around his eyes. His hands are also worn and calloused, a testament to his many years of work. Due to the nature of his job he has well built muscles, particularly on his arms and shoulders.

His clothes are kept fairly simple, as his profession would only mean that they'd get ruined very quickly. He will usually be wearing a white shirt rolled up at the sleeves, a pair of medium brown pants with dark knee patches, a dark brown apron with two front pockets, and a pair of heavy ankle-height boots, laced up tightly. Working most of the time, his clothes are usually dirty and worn, as is his skin. However, he keeps a cleaner set of the same outfit for formal events, and washes himself up when he's not working.

Outdoors, he sometimes wears his dark brown trench coat that reaches down just a few inches above his knees. A button is missing on the left hand pocket, having been accidentally pulled off and lost down a drain by his son. His sword is almost always at his belt, unless he's working. In that case, it is resting close beside him. He never leaves it alone unless he absolutely has to.
Transformed form: N/A.

Description mental: Kristoph is a kind and honest man. He works hard and is always willing to offer those desperately in need a helping hand. He is gentle, but knows that sometimes he must be stern and easily carries himself with confidence when the situation requires it.

Cedric is Kristoph's pride and joy, and nothing gives him greater comfort in life than spending time with his only child. To rip his family from him would be hammering the final nail in his coffin. Without Ced and Alice, he would most likely lose all hope on life if he were forced to live alone. Kristoph cannot stand a solitary life, and constantly needs someone to live by his side. It is clear that he is very affectionate towards his family by the way he speaks so fondly of Alice and Ced, when his regular customers come to visit. Loneliness is his greatest fear, and he is all too aware that humans are only mortal, and that they sometimes simply cannot protect themselves against the likes of vampires and werewolves. He knows that their lives are short and can be easily ripped out of their grasp. As a result, he tries to live for the moment rather than fretting on the past and future.

Due to the hunting nature of vampires and werewolves, he worries about his family when he is away and prefers to stay close to home. Despite this, he does try to stay on good terms with other races. Whilst there is a little distrust and anxiety about him, Kristoph knows that to be blatantly rude and distrusting would be unwise.. After all, not all vampires and werewolves are horrific beasts. Kristoph will gladly fight to protect the freedom and safety of his loved ones, but will never fight for the sake of war and pointless political conflict. Those matters are best kept away from... All it does is get you killed in the end. Staying neutral seems to be the safest bet, but he worries that things could all change very quickly and endanger everything he holds dear.
Sin: Envy. Kristoph is extremely jealous (to the point of being hateful) of those who can support themselves with little effort or those who live extravagantly without the need for much work. Having worked hard his entire life for what feels like a meagre sum of money, he feels that those born into wealth and nobility should have to work hard for their inheritance instead of having it handed to them and flaunting it about in acts of indulgence. He hates that he has toiled away for years, yet his son will have a tiny inheritance to support himself on, unlike those wealthy 'b*****d aristocrats' who hand their spoiled children ridiculous sums of money without sharing it with those who are more needy.
He reluctantly manages to stay as polite as possible around his more wealthy customers, but it is obvious that he does not approve of their lifestyle. Kristoph is awkward around them, and prone to causing them "accidental" displeasure. Of course, it's never truly accidental. It's almost always on purpose, though he attempts not to make it appear so. He can often be found sat at home with his wife, cursing at their wealthy customers... Even though they tend to pay much more than his regular customers, Kristoph would rather they didn't come at all, feeling like they're just rubbing it all in his face by simply standing in the same room as him.

Other information: Kristoph will end each day with his son, watching the stars until the child falls asleep in his arms. With that, he will take the boy to his bed and then retire for the night. It's rare that this routine is ever broken.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:15 am
The Fangs

Username: SilithDark
Name: Saeven Aneik

Age: Looks to be in his mid to late teens, but he is really nearing two hundred years, though he tends to act younger or older depending upon what the situation calls for.

Race: Vampire
Group: The Unit/Fangs

Biography: Saeven was born to a high, noble vampire family who carried the idea that Vampires, and only those vampires with pure noble blood, should rule. He grew up distanced from his family, secretly believing in equality. He carried the beliefs that each race brought, and still brings, good, and bad, to the world. His family eagerly joined the Fangs, though he remained, distant. He spent less and less time with his family and his parents generally ignored him when he was around anyway. His twin cousins, Celena and Merus, however, never gave up in their quest to induct him into the Fangs as well. He was approached many years ago as a young vampire by a member of the Unit. The vampire interrogated him for hours, questioning his beliefs, the beliefs of his family, and where he stood. After that, the vampire disappeared, telling Saeven he would hear from him again. A week later, the same vampire appeared to him. It was then that Saeven was inducted into the Unit. Saeven's leader in the Unit, decided they needed someone within the Fangs. He contacted his cousins and has since convinced them he is a genuine member of the Fangs. No one but Saeven and his leader know that he is a double agent and no one, absolutely no one, on the Fangs side suspects that he is helping their enemies.

Unique ability: He is able to shield his thoughts and feelings, even able to project false emotions and thoughts, though only when he really concentrates on it.

Weapon: He uses many small, easily hidden weapons. The only thing even close to melee weapon is a whip which he can use effectively to disarm opponents. He uses poisons masterfully, and carries a supply of wolfsbane, holy water (which he is careful not to come into contact with), and many silver weapons, the handles are steel, wrapped in leather however, to allow him to handle them. Though he takes precautions, the weapons still make him a little sick when he has them unsheathed and as an effect of carrying them around constantly, he looks a little unhealthy.

Description physic: Saeven is best described as scrawny and wiry. His muscles are not formed well at all and he often looks younger then the age he is. This suits him fine being the size he is for he can get into places no one else can. His eyes are a vivid blue with blood red pupils. He is quick, even quicker then most vampires and this allows him to escape question and remain relatively untouched in battle against one who has only brute strength on their side. This is not saying he's weak, for he has the same amount of strength as any other vampire, he just doesn't use if often.
Transformed form: Saeven can transform, at will, into a commonplace rat. This ability allows him to get into places he would normally be banned, or restricted from.

Description mental: Saeven's mental stability is unknown to anyone as he can shield his thoughts and feelings. He gives off the vibe as being mentally stable though.
Sin: N/A

Other information: Saeven does not kill indiscriminately though if you get in his way, friend of foe, you better fear for your life. Being trained as a noble, he uses no contractions and speaks eloquently.


Username: SilithDark
Name: Celena Aneik

Age: 245 but appears to be in her early twenties

Race: Vampire
Group: Fangs

Biography: She and her twin brother, Merus, were born into the Fangs. Their parents were, and are, very close to the founders of the group and they, Celena and Merus, were left to raise themselves. Celena and Merus spent much time together as young vampires and are still very close. They worked to get their younger cousin, Saeven, to join their cause, and about a hundred years ago, succeeded.

Unique ability: Celena can read the thoughts of those around her, that by itself is a handy ability, but it is impossible for her to know the feelings behind such thoughts, so it is easy to fool her into believing something true that is, in reality, false. Her brother, Merus, can detect the feelings of a person which is why when needed, the Fangs will have the duo interrogate a suspected offender.

Weapon: Celena trained herself to use a long sword affectionately named Cruor, an old word meaning blood. Cruor has been infused with magics, allowing it to take the shape of any type of sword, a katana, short sword, long sword, b*****d sword, even a small dagger. She carries no shield.

Description physic: Celena is a small woman, though developed, obviously no child. Her hair is long and straight, snow white in color. her eyes are a bright green with blood red pupils that change color depending upon how hungry/fed she is. The more human blood she has coursing through her veins, the brighter the red.

Transformed form: Celena's form is that of a pure white wolf, with black tiger-like stripes on her back.

Description mental: Celena is a little, disturbed mentally. She has an affinity for causing others pain and it seems to giver a sort of high. She is allowed to do as she wish and likes to "Experiment" on humans, lycans, and other non-noble vampires, to see what threshold of pain each can possible stand.
Sin: N/A

Other information: She has a twin brother, Merus. And her cousin Saeven is a double agent for the Unit, though she knows nothing about it.

Username:Zulma san
Name: Merus Aneik

Age: He looks to be in his early to mid twenties but is, in reality, 245

Race: Vampire
Group: Fangs

Biography: Merus was born into the Fangs. His parents are close to the founders of the group and so he see's them rarely. Him and his twin sister, Celena, succeeded in recruiting their cousin, Saevan, on their side a hundred years ago. He has trained himself to be able to take blows that would slow a normal vampire. Slowly he built up an almost immunity to holy water. He can take the pain from being doused in holy water, but ingesting it will surely kill him. He can withstand the effects of a holy symbol but prolonged exposure will kill him as surely as it will another vampire.

Unique ability: Merus can sense the feeling of an individual. This ability is useful, but on it's own will not tell what a person is thinking. Coupled with his sister's ability to read thoughts, no one can fool them.

Weapon: Merus carries a shield he has named Morsus, a word meaning pain. Morsus can change and take the shape of any type of shield. It can be a small buckler, a large tower shield or any size in between. He carries no melee weapon, leaving that to Celena.

Description physic: Merus is a tall man with thick muscles. His hair is straight, midnight black and he keeps it long. His eyes are a dark brown, so dark they almost appear black. His pupils are blood red in color and change intensity depending upon how hungry/fed he is. The more human blood he has coursing through his veins, the more intense they appear.

Transformed form: He appears as a midnight black wolf, with white tiger-like stripes on his back.

Description mental: Merus is quite stable mentally. He tends to follow whatever his sister commands him to do though, so perhaps that throws his mental state into question. Nobody has ever cared enough to investigate into his mental affairs though.
Sin: N/A

Other information: His twin sister is Celena. He has a cousin, Saeven, who is also a double agent for the Unit, though Merus has no clue about this aspect of his life.

Merus, curiously, feels no pain; mentally, or physically.

Zulma san

Generous Knight

9,000 Points
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Zulma san

Generous Knight

9,000 Points
  • Seasoned Warrior 250
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  • Battle: KO 200
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:18 am
The Lycans

Username: Ultimashade
Name: Erik Nerevar

Age: physical age:22 - real age: 369
Race: Werewolf
Group: The Lycans

Biography: Erik was raised as a human, but his eyes were a deep red when he was born. Everybody considered this normal, as he developed normally. He grew into a strong willed fighter, almost famous for his skills in battle. He'd never lost as he always carried a whip made from a substance he never knew about. He joined in every duel, not to win anything, but to show his prowess.

Erik had a unqiue abilty of knowing when something would go wrong. It was more like lucky guesses as he was never wrong. One morning he was right. He walked along, enjoying the sights, when he note nobody waving at him, just looking remorseful. He ran home quickly to discover the murder of his parents and little brother.

He looked at his father and saw puncture wounds, his mother had chunks of flesh missing, and his brother was too horribly mutilated to even look at. He knew leeches were to blame, the crazy ones, though they were all crazy, had done this. He set out in his most elegant clothes to find the rouges. He was right, as he was attacked by two, he gave a vicious smile to go with his rage.

The two were not easily dispatched, and there was a third, a vampire dressed in clothes just as elegant as his. He was too weak to fight off all three, but to his surprise, they turned against each other, the vampire winning of course. He came over to Erik and fought him, just for pleasure. Erik lost, but clung to his life, the vampire whispered a horrible truth in his ear. "I killed them all." He said leaving Erik to die. He swore he saw a figure coming closer, it's shape changing under the moon, he thought he was going crazy. A Lycan had saved his life, sort of, for he'd exchanged blood for Erik to change, even through the pain, he felt indebted to help and slipped into darkness.

He woke up in horrible pain, he looked at his stained clothes, they were bloody red all over. He explained to himself the possibilities, and the more vampires he could kill. He endured the pain and came out stronger than before, not as calm, but indeed more powerful. He'd waited three hundred years to hear what he heard, the vampire had been spotted.

He would give chase later, as so much remained to be done. He swore once again, to find this killer, and finish him. He now never removes his blood-staind suit as that is what he nearly died in, he considers the blood on it, the true reward in the end. He never removes his whip from his side unless needed.

Unique ability: Over-developed sight

Weapon: Uses his hands in every type of combat, though he has a masterful use of a whip as he was practically born with one in his hands.

Description physic: A large man with an average build. He wears an elegant blood red suit. He has eyes that are so light red, you'd never guess they were red in the first place. He has a long scar over his right eye, marring his tan skin. His hair is black and much longer than shoulder length.

Transformed form: Ebony black wolf with piercing red eyes with claws just as black.
Description mental: Erik is calm, cool, and collected almost to the point of being cold. He will smile at times, but never all the time. He's been prone to insult targets by saying 'Don't be shy now'. He doesn't know how it works, but if he would have died, he would remain in those blood colored clothes, so he only removes them fo them to be clean. He normally let's his hair flow to his back in an untidy, yet formal style.
Sin: N/A
Other information: Nerevar has found the one that scarred him and swore he will kill it. He hides his excitement beneath his natural calm. he views himself as the true Lycan of 'The Lycans'. He has a large scar on his face from past battles.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:20 am
The Unit (Dismantled)

Username: Zulma san

Name: Milady Emilia Shikito

Age: 313 but looks 27

Race: Werewolf
Group: the Unit

Biography: The Shikito family is a very ancient werewolf family whose blood is pure. Some members of the family have witness the creation of the World of Darth. Any member of the family trying to get involved with a human or a vampire has strangely disappeared from the genealogy three and no mention of them has been ever made.
Emilia was born a werewolf and like those who were born werewolf she grew up to look like a twenty something woman for the rest of her life.
She was raised with the ideals of werewolf being a race above any other with the pure blood being at the top of the food chain. But when as a young pup she witnessed the love of Charlotte and Fenris which had then lasted for so long, she understood that she would dedicate her life to protect their lives and ideal.

She worked on her swordmanship and fighting skills to become part of the Army refusing to marry the husband chosen by her family, Lord Broutin. At the end of the day of the test to enter the army academy she was approached by a strange human who asked her questions about why she was here and what she wanted to do with her life. Defending the ideal of the kingdom was her main motive and the human asked her to meet him the following day. This is how she first met a member of the Unit and became part of it. She has now been a member of the Unit for more than 200 years.

Her family thought for years about her choice and what to make of her. Adding her to the list of the disappeared ones seemed the best option for a long time. However they decided that one day or the other her connection to the Triumvirate would enable them to put the werewolves on the throne and therefore as long as she did not get personally involved with anyone she was kept alive and even was received at family gathering like a beloved daughter, sister, parent...

The death of the Queen had shadowed the heart of Emilia and she sworn to avenge her death. Since then she seems to dive in darker feelings. Her family is nicer than ever mourning the death of their beloved Queen and getting themselves ready anytime.
What if the new ruler was one of them?

Unique ability: A second pair of arms.

Weapon: Two short swords : a wakizashi, Ouest, and a kodachi, Est, which she uses in her human form, two katanas, Nord and Sud, which she uses when being transformed.

Description physic: Emilia has long dark night hair with almost blue reflections. She has heterochromia: her two eyes have different colors: the right one is of a very light blue, while the left is of a hazelnut brown. Her hair is always falling in front of the left side of her face, leaving only her blue eyes visible most of the time. She is 5 feet 11 and quite muscled due to her hours of training and exercising.
Transformed form: Emilia's eyes turn both to full black when she is in her wolf form. She stands straight on her back legs, her four arms becoming deadly weapons with or without her swords. In that form her furry skin is pitch black with a bushy tail.

Description mental: Emilia had to learn to accept other races and sometimes she let her instinct drove her. Although she has learned not to underestimate humans or vampires, she still remains cold and even arrogant towards them. Years as a member of the Unit trained her to tolerance but the recent death of the Queen is putting the wolf on hedge. The dark side of her personality seems to be growing out of her resentment and anger.
Sin: N/a

Other information: Emilia has a twin brother who has embraced the ideals of his family and who's supposed to be part of the Lycans' faction.


Username: Zulma san

Name: Lord Louis De Latour

Age: 477 but looks 32

Race: Vampire
Group: the Unit

Biography: Louis was born a vampire from a long line of pure blood vampire. He has been part of the Unit since its creation and was almost its Leader. At first he accepted the post by allegiance to the King of the vampires but after years he finally accepted the concept of equalities and peace that founded the Unit.

The late events and the death of the Queen Charlotte have shaken him and his ideals. But he seemed to know something than the other members of the Unit don't.

Louis has tried for years to recruit Angeles as part of the Unit but she had always refused

Unique ability: Seen potential futures

Weapon: Louis uses a thin sword and a dagger when he has to use weapons to fight. He is a master in hand to hand combat.

Description physic: Tall and lean with long black hair, Louis is the archetypal vampire. His skin is almost transparent and his eyes are of clear icy blue. His black pupils tend to overpower his irises when he is thirty or in rage.
Transformed form: A pitch black hawk.

Description mental: Louis is calm and quiet. Yet no one in the Unit would question his leadership. He is a very proud vampire, even prouder than most vampires. He does not speak much and tries to use diplomacy as often as possible. Some believes him to be a coward.
Sin: N/a

Other information: N/a


Gaia Username: Kagetsukiko

Name: Kageko Kira (no one, not even her, knows her last name)
Age: 17

Race: Human
Group: the UNIT

Biography: She doesn't really like to talk about it. She doesn't easily reveal her secrets or her memories. Either way, she can't remember anything from before she was 5, of course no one else knows that. She blocks everyone who attempts to find out about her by cutting off the mental energy they send into her brain when using telepathy. Ever since she was 5, she was raised by a mentor who trained her in the basic principles of aura/energy manipulation. The mentor died when she was 15.
She had an encounter with someone named Jack when she was 15. His race is uncertain and so are most of his powers, but it is certain that he utilizes at least darkness in his attacks. He had come to challenge her mentor, and killed the mentor. In a rage, she attacked Jack but was easily beaten away. While Kageko was still semi-conscious but unable to move, Jack gave her a brand on her right shoulder. Ever since that day, Kageko has sworn to defeat Jack if she should ever see him again. It is still uncertain what the final effect of the brand will be, but it has slowly been feeding her dark energy. Despite the uncertainty, Kageko has managed to create a technique using the brand. However, she doesn't use it much due to its instability and the stress it puts on her body. Furthermore, ever since she got the brand she'll have a nightmare whenever she's really stressed out. The brand has even made her slightly more aggressive whenever she's under stress as well (The reason why it's only under stress is because she has slightly less control over herself during these times). Like with the rest of her past, no one but her knows this. Despite the rage she feels for Jack, she knows to not attribute the actions of one individual to the whole race, or even faction, and so continues to treat all races/groups/whatever equally.
As for Kageko's entry into the Unit, it has only happened recently (like a week or so ago) and she is still pretty new in it. She had heard about the unit while traveling through Darth and had decided to check them out. After a lot of trouble she had managed to sneak into a meeting and hide herself within earshot. Thinking she had managed to avoid detection, she sneaked out after the meeting, only to encounter a werewolf and a vampire that had both attended the meeting she had spied on. Apparently Emilia had managed to smell her and had told the vampire. As she tried to run, Emilia , who was faster than her, restrained her before she knew it. The vampire then bent down and dragged her back to the meeting room where all the Unit member were gathered and waiting for Kageko. They questioned her for a long time and used their unique abilities to understand and discover the girl's abitity. She was then put in a room alone and had to wait. When she was invited back in the room, she was offered a spot in the Unit. With nothing better to do, and despising the superiority the other factions felt for their own race (she felt all races were equal and felt that the factions were the ones that caused the violence), she agreed to join. Of course, another thing perked her interest. The symbol for the UNIT was the same as the brand that had been burned on her arm.
Also, even Kageko herself doesn't know this, but she is the sole survivor of a prominent clan of assassins, the infamous Kira clan. This, in part, explains her above average speed and dexterity.

Unique ability: Energy/aura manipulation. She can also bend her own aura making herself look stronger or weaker than she is to trap her enemies. Masking her own aura, enables her to become undetected. Manipulating others' auras to disturb it, causes them to weaken their focus or even cancel their spells. Aura analysis, provides information about surroundings and she can usually tell when something is wrong (ex: the enemy is aggressive, her friend is troubled, they're walking into a trap). She doesn't have a lot of power and so is unable to do anything big or even maintain her top speed. To use her more advanced techniques her weapons are vital. She has one technique that was derived from Jack's brand, but she never uses it unless there it is an emergency and there is absolutely no other way out. It is an aggressive technique that forms a blade of dark energy on her right arm. She can currently only use it fot attacking now because it is impossible to control it enough to defend with. Despite the energy coming from the brand, Kageko still knocks out after using it.

Weapons: A key, ocarina, void stone, goggles, and kunai. She can wield a variety of other weapons as well, but those are the ones she carries. All of these weapons are special to her and she always keeps them close.

Description physic: Short, white hair and red eyes. She keeps her face covered most of the time. She's not comfortable revealing her identity to most people, only those she trust. She has a key around her neck, hidden beneath her shirt, and an ocarina strapped to her belt. Most of the time, her kunai is strapped to her belt as well, but she'll often hide it in her sleeve when she senses danger. She may be 17, but she still looks like a little kid in some aspects. Namely her lack of any curves, which additionally gives her a bit of a boyish look. Of course, that's not the only reason (she's very slim too and slightly, maybe an inch, shorter than the average person). She usually wears clothes that are easy to move in. She always wears a bandage over her right arm and an earring on her ear to help keep the energy of the brand from being noticed by others. Her brand is on her right arm. She has an eyepatch over her left eye, not because it's physically impaired, but to seal in something. She never takes it or any of her seals off, not even when asleep. Her brand has the same design as the insignia for the UNIT for some strange reason.
For some reason, her appearance hasn't changed ever since she got the brand when she was 15.
Her best physical attributes are her speed (no other human is faster than her, but she is still beaten easily by a werewolf or vampire) and nimbleness (this includes hands, feet, flexibility, etc.). Her strength, quite frankly, sucks.

Description mental: Secretive and scarred. Though she doesn't show it (the scarred part). When she trusts someone, she is very protective of them. A lone wolf in how she insists that no one be in danger for her. She has a sort of an inferiority complex, believing that she isn't useful in anything. She sometimes breaks her serious facade when frantically trying to help her friends. Because of her loyalty, if anyone hurts her friend(s) fatally... let's just say they should run away, and fast. Her wrath at that time, is the wrath of two beings. She is analytical and smart. Easily reading a situation and coming up with a plan, though most of them only include herself for now and she usually acts alone. She cannot lie, no matter how hard she tries. Which is where her craftiness comes in handy, letting her tell half a truth to fool the questioner. Because of the brand, she is sometimes unstable in her mentality and might explode when stressed (especially when waking up after usng it), but she tries her best to control it. Also because of the brand, Kageko sometimes has the feeling that there is another conscience in her. One that comforts her and calms her down whenever the brand acts up.

Sin: Wrath

Other information: She can't stand the sight of too much blood, which is where the goggles come in handy. Although, they're not really a weapon, they're blacked out and prevent her from seeing anything, so she won't freeze if a bunch of blood was spilled. Even with them on, though, she can still fight perfectly fine by sensing the auras/energies surrounding her. The reason for her dislike of blood is not known, not even by her. It might have something to do with her past and forgotten memories.... She excepts both darkness and light and knows that neither magic is good nor bad. It all depends on the caster However, that doesn't mean she can control either of them. She has problems controlling any kind of magic and can control only pure energy. She hates it when people pat her head and will either dodge or bite (depends on whether they manage to touch her head or not). She feels most at ease in the forest and plays her ocarina a lot. She sort of growls when angry.


Username: SilithDark
Name: Saeven Aneik -deceased, killed by the King and his Guards-

Age: Looks to be in his mid to late teens, but he is really nearing two hundred years, though he tends to act younger or older depending upon what the situation calls for.

Race: Vampire
Group: The Unit/Fangs

Biography: Saeven was born to a high, noble vampire family who carried the idea that Vampires, and only those vampires with pure noble blood, should rule. He grew up distanced from his family, secretly believing in equality. He carried the beliefs that each race brought, and still brings, good, and bad, to the world. His family eagerly joined the Fangs, though he remained, distant. He spent less and less time with his family and his parents generally ignored him when he was around anyway. His twin cousins, Celena and Merus, however, never gave up in their quest to induct him into the Fangs as well. He was approached many years ago as a young vampire by a member of the Unit. The vampire interrogated him for hours, questioning his beliefs, the beliefs of his family, and where he stood. After that, the vampire disappeared, telling Saeven he would hear from him again. A week later, the same vampire appeared to him. It was then that Saeven was inducted into the Unit. Saeven's leader in the Unit, decided they needed someone within the Fangs. He contacted his cousins and has since convinced them he is a genuine member of the Fangs. No one but Saeven and his leader know that he is a double agent and no one, absolutely no one, on the Fangs side suspects that he is helping their enemies.

Unique ability: He is able to shield his thoughts and feelings, even able to project false emotions and thoughts, though only when he really concentrates on it.

Weapon: He uses many small, easily hidden weapons. The only thing even close to melee weapon is a whip which he can use effectively to disarm opponents. He uses poisons masterfully, and carries a supply of wolfsbane, holy water (which he is careful not to come into contact with), and many silver weapons, the handles are steel, wrapped in leather however, to allow him to handle them. Though he takes precautions, the weapons still make him a little sick when he has them unsheathed and as an effect of carrying them around constantly, he looks a little unhealthy.

Description physic: Saeven is best described as scrawny and wiry. His muscles are not formed well at all and he often looks younger then the age he is. This suits him fine being the size he is for he can get into places no one else can. His eyes are a vivid blue with blood red pupils. He is quick, even quicker then most vampires and this allows him to escape question and remain relatively untouched in battle against one who has only brute strength on their side. This is not saying he's weak, for he has the same amount of strength as any other vampire, he just doesn't use if often.
Transformed form: Saeven can transform, at will, into a commonplace rat. This ability allows him to get into places he would normally be banned, or restricted from.

Description mental: Saeven's mental stability is unknown to anyone as he can shield his thoughts and feelings. He gives off the vibe as being mentally stable though.
Sin: N/A

Other information: Saeven does not kill indiscriminately though if you get in his way, friend of foe, you better fear for your life. Being trained as a noble, he uses no contractions and speaks eloquently.

Zulma san

Generous Knight

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