I've been helped with this particular model, so I've removed the link. Mistakes can only be pointed out so many time, yes? x3 I don't want to clutter the forums, though, so I'll just bump or update this thread when I've got a new and improved version! heart


Cross posting here because y'all probably know more about anthro stuff. cool Attached is my first real attempt at an anthro~ a rabbit dude, to be correct, because rabbits rule. And they're fluffy. Yus.

Anyway, I digress. It's gone through three revisions so far. I left his hands and feet vague because, darn it, they're hard to do. stressed He'll be holding swords (and wearing clothes) when it's through.

Just a warning, it's nothing to be worried about, imo, but just in case - there is a hint of bunny boy butt showing; it's in the vein of artistic nudity, more of an outline than anything. 3nodding
Thanks for your time!