In case you were wondering what the prizes were you can now find out!
All prizes are listed here. Some threads do not have prizes but they are listed here as well as what you could possibly receive instead.

* Prizes are subject to change.

Bump 4 Kandy
  • Magical Girl
  • Hops the Goat
  • Water Meat Set

Doctors Scavenger Hunt
  • Butterfly's Stage Rapier
  • Winterland Snowflake
  • Kanoko's Frostee Sweets

Spooktacular TekTeks
  • The Golden Chuuchilla
  • Streamer Scarf
  • Protective Nightlight

Dice Pirates
  • Sword Eaters Blade
  • Ponzu the Panda
  • Android Contacts

House Of Terror - Board Game
  • Talsi's Sash
  • Winged Hankerchief
  • Bullet the Puppy

Picture Zombies This
  • Blue Heavenly Unmentionables
  • Crimson Promise
  • Sulfuric Brawler

Halloween Decorations - Coloring Thread
  • For each piece colored the artist will receive something.

Greedy Treators
  • Pick your own prize.