Hey guys! Chibi Sheepcat here. In the name of getting some exciting things up and running for the pride I’ve made a little survey for you guys to fill it out. Depending on the answers I get there may be some pride-wide events, ceremonies, even contests. Right now, I’m just interesting in seeing what you guys would like to have happen, since you as members make up the bulk of the pride. <3

Just fill this form out when you have a second and post it here. Don’t be afraid to suggest any ideas that come to mind. I’m pretty open when it comes to pride plots.

[b]Would you be interested in having a pride-wide event?:[/b]
[b]If so, which Nchi’mahadhi ceremony (or ceremonies) do you think would make a good event?:[/b]
[b]What would you like to see happen in the pride?:[/b]
[b]What would help make pride RP more enjoyable?:[/b]
[b]Any further comments/suggestions/ideas you’d like to share?:[/b]

Thanks! heart