Hello all. I recently have been dealing with a situation with a person whom I thought I could trust, who seemed to be a very spiritual and intelligent person, had done something to make me lose trust in them. I'm wondering why some people seem to wear their ideals of spirituality on their sleeves and portray themselves as very "enlightened" beings ~ then not seem to live by any of those ideals? I realize that the more that I learn about this person the less I want to be their friend... (their use of drugs and alcohol in the past, stealing, fraud, etc....)

However, he did a very good job of keeping these parts of himself from me.
It makes me feel like I can't trust my own intuition after this happened, and that I should have known from the beginning that he was untrustworthy... but he did such a good job of talking himself up and making it seem like he was a wonderful person.

Can people have two sides of themselves? And if they can, how do you know what is real and what isn't? What is ego? Is the negative side of him his ego, or is the positive and spiritual side of him ego?
I am questioning everything....

Thanks everyone, I hope that I can get some opinions going on this. heart heart heart