Ok ppl we are well underway of getting the party started in here! But we need more people to join (no this is not part of the contest) so plz invite all your friends to join cuz we need more ppl to rp sweatdrop .

Anywho now to the contest! Every week (starting next Monday) i will host a brand spankin' new contest! The person who posts the most in RPGs will receive a prize from yours truly, ranging from 5k-10k in gold or items! :3 Here are the rules as follows:

1) Absolutely no spamming. Nobody likes it and you will most likely be kicked/banned after so many warnings.

2) No self-forums, i.e. creating a subforum solely for your self. This is a free guild and must be treated as such.

3) No bumping. This common rule best be followed or there will be sum drama up in heah!

4) The posts MUST be in an accepted Role Play.

5) Normal RP rules will be followed accordingly. (See "Roleplay Rules & Guides")

6) All ranks welcome! From crew to vice captains. (Me and Key-sama will not be part of this)

7) Post post post! 3nodding

I will announce on Monday when the contest begins and will count the total posts of members who participate on Friday. So says I, Retsu-chan!

Note: The prizes WILL vary in value and whether it's gold or an item.