(Please be aware that the storyline here takes place after the Demon God, Asura, was defeated so it's a spoiler. Don't like, watch the anime x3)


After Asura, the former demon god's, defeat by Kid, Liz, Patty, Black Star, Tsubaki, Soul and Maka, the world seemed quiet and at peace, and soon even a few witches decided to make amends with Shibusen, the school of Meisters and weapons, and attend new classes specifically for them. Though there were still some witches against the Grim Reaper. It all seemed peaceful until Maka thought about some of Asura's final words seemed somewhat trivial to the group.

"So long as there are people in the world, madness will exist and a new demon god will appear."

As he stated, madness had continued to exist and spread in small amounts around the world, affecting any person; young, old, weak or strong. That being said, there are still those who have the courage to drive off the madness that has infected a number of humans and even magical beings. Soon Meisters, weapons and witches alike had become affected, straying off the path of sanity, all lead by a mysterious force where the madness had originally started. Unfortunately it's unknown as to who, what, or why this is happening, but what is known is that a new war as started on madness.

~~Pick your side (sanity, madness or neutral [if you pick madness you'll still have control, you'll just be 'evil']) and earn your stars to gain power and defeat this madness~~