Name: Zionus Dalmone

Nickname (if your character has one):Z


Race:Meister (1 star)

Partner: Zerio

Weapon Style:Sword and scythe


Birthday:June 28


Real Reason:Sanctuary, a place to find peace from the witches searching for him, as well as to become stronger. He is searching for something too.

Description/Image: Brown spiky hair, red eyes, tan skin coloring. Wears a dark vest with another dark shirt underneath, and black pants. Two ruined looking gloves with an oddly out of place set of bracers with red jewels on his arm, shining and beautiful to look at. A black star on his cheek and a scar across his face. Pretty much my avi. Has a sword on his back, his scythe is nowhere to be seen.

History: One day he had appeared in the middle of a witch's land, unconcious and battered and bruised. The witch took him in, and upon studying him, found out strange things about him. He had his spirit fused with that of a Demon's, the two of them becoming one whole being. This intrigued the witch, and revealed her findings to the order. They grew interested in what he can do, and began to test him, studying him and performing inhumane experiments on him. He was practically tortured in there, and barely made it out alive. Escaping one day by breaking through the bars that were on his prison's window, he ran, ran as far as he can until he could run no more. Hiding in a village, he eluded the Witches, but had nowhere to go, no one to take him in. Thats when he saw a Meister and his Weapon. They had just recently defeated an evil soul, and devoured it. Watching them, he found out about Shibusen, and thought that such a place could help him. So, with whatever he could get his hands on, he made his way to Shibusen, and gave himself to the school. This is where our story begins.

Weapons Room:A ruined throne room, with a bunch of holes in the wall that reveal a ruined city in an eternal lightning storm

Hobbies:Lazing around and watching the day go by, as well as his favorite shows and games. Along with training, he is a typical Teenager.

Personality:Goofy, lazy, and fun loving. He has a mellow personality when there is time to kill, but when the going gets tough, he becomes another person, a rightous hero type guy, but he still retains some of his mellowness. Loyal to his friends.

Likes: Bright days, good food, and great friends.

Loves most: Peace, with a bit of action every now and then.

Hates: Stuck up attitudes, know it alls, and bullies. Injustice.

Fears:The monster lurking within, watching everything from beneath his skin.

When Angered:Can become extremely vengeful against those who hurt his friends, his enemies. Will general just yell and get really annoyed when his friends get him angered, but push him enough and he will attack.

When Upset:depends on the situation, will curse himself when it is because of his own inability to do something, or will cry when its the loss of a friend. Again, depends.

When Happy:Usually very mellow and cheerful, can be pretty loud and child-like though.

Couple/crushes?: Is in love with a girl named Alma. Not at Shibusen, but somewhere far away. Won't appear in the RP.
:.: Battle :.:

-Dark Flame Sword: His sword catches on fire, and could even become stronger by becoming a black flame.
-Hell raiser: a Wave of Black fire is slashed from his sword
-Witch hunter: Traditional Scythe Technique, an enchanced and enlarged blade found during Soul Resonance.
-Abysmal Fang: Personal move with Scythe, slashes down with his scythe causing a three-way dark wave to spread out.
(May add more later on.
:.: Academics :.:


Human Souls: 0
Kishin Souls: 0
Witch Souls: 0