Once again, as always, I have gone overboard with the subforums *sigh*

Welcome to the Written Word. Well actually, it's just "Written Word" because someone else had nicked the name I wanted. I'm open to ideas for an alternative name. This is what we've got for now.

I found a better name! Now we're "It Was A Dark And Stormy Night", that famous first line known as one of the worst in history. (Also used frequently by Snoopy. My favourite variation was "He was a dark and stormy knight".)

This is a guild for writers and for readers. As such, several rules and guidelines will need to be laid down.

They are as follows:
1. No flaming. There is a difference between critiquing someone's work and flaming it.
2. Specifiy the level of critique you are looking for. If you specify advanced or thorough critique, don't then cry like a b***h if someone does just that.
3. Attend the level of critique a person asks for, and don't exceed that.
4. No Twilight bullshit. There are probably entire guilds devoted to that crap. Take your shite elsewhere.
5. No fanfiction. While I quite enjoy fanfiction myself, this guild was not created with that in mind. Discuss, and share, fanfiction elsewhere.
6. Respect the religions of others. If someone brings up the bible, don't tell them to gtfo to the fiction section or anything. That s**t, it does not fly here.
7. Keep NaNoWriMo talk to a minimum. Make a NaNo thread if you like, but just the one, and preferably keep it to the NaNoWriMo guild. It's a great place - go check it out.
8. If arguments get out of hand, threads will be locked. I have strong opinions about what books are crap and which are required reading, too. But if we let that sort of thing get out of hand, this will not be a guild anyone wants to spend time in.

Right, that should be it for now. Grab yourself a drink in the pub and start arguing the merits of Proust vs. whoever.