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Welcome to the Feedback Forum for Soquili - much like Site Feedback for Gaia as a whole, this subforum has been set up for Suggestions, Issues and Questions you may have. The rules are brief, so please have a read through.

  1. Please do not attack anyone personally - keep all discussion civil and polite
  2. This forum is for general topics - if it only involves you and a couple other people, PM the shop mule, Uta or Mindsend about it
  3. If you have a complaint, please put forward a realistic solution to it!
  4. Duplicate threads will be locked, please check and see if someone's already started your issue
  5. Topics must be labeled:
    - Suggestion - Something new you'd like to see? Suggest it!
    - Issue - All problem topics go here
    • [Q] - Question - Can't figure something out? Ask and get an answer
  6. All suggestions require a poll with Agree/Disagree/No Opinion or Yes/No/Maybe, as appropriate to your Poll topic
  7. Feedback topics are reviewed by staff and used to guide the shop revisions
  8. If you know an answer or have a possible solution, feel free to share it. Discussion is encouraged!
  9. Resolved topics will be locked

Remember: Suggestions begin with , and contain a three option poll.
Issues begin with , and should have a proposed solution included.
Questions begin with [Q] and are information requests.

Good Topics
This is the type of feedback we're looking for:
• [Q] Breaking Co-ownership
More Flaffles for Newbies!
Missing out on Event Games due to Timezone
Easter Holiday Event Idea
Low-Luck Custom Slots
Event Game wasn't Fair
• [Q] Need Clarification on Custom Rule - Twins

Bad Topics
These are not wanted:
• I want to break Co-ownership with Mary Sue (personal issue - PM the mule)
• Colorist A did a crappy job on my pony! 8C (personal issue - PM the Colorist, follow-up with Mindsend)
• I hate Soquili, puppies, rainbows, everyone on Gaia, and ur mom (Don't Feed the Trolls)
• Someone stole my OC Design! (personal issue - PM the mule)
• Breeding is Stupid (no reasoning - why is it stupid? What is your issue?)

Staff Reminder: If you've answered a topic definitively, please edit the topic title - Change or [Q] to [A] (Answered). Suggestions are not generally answered since there is no one way about it!


I've noticed in forums like GCD, GD and ED they use spoons to summarise their ideas to make it easier to discuss. You can use this method to make your suggestions and other feedback more clear to your reader. I noticed that some people have so many good ideas to discuss that the reader can forget some by the time they finish reading the entire post. The spoons refresh the memory of the reader!

Below is an example of what I mean:

I been trying soo hard to get a pet and don't have any gold. It might be better if the shop owners give everyone a free pet instead of making us use our hard earned gold. Why can't they work for free? I'm sooo poor .. (insert 1000 more words of freepet's suggestion)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Should we have free pets? Why or why not?
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Should the free pets be only for poor Gaians and banned from the rich?
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Should all colorists work for free?