*shrugs* xD Whom ever you want to play. ^^ Makes not difference to me really.
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:11 am
ballin. x}
What means of rp are you up for? I'm... not too big on guild rp, but I can try? Or IM rp, or in thread to see how they interact?
I sort of have this idea of her traveling to the mountains. She likes to travel, and they've been intriguing her.
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
Sparkly Vampire
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:26 pm
Ack! Sorry for the belated responses. Things have gotten a mite busy here. Regarding means of RP... I tend to prefer Guild roleplay, honestly, but I am tentatively willing to use another method, if necessary.
Kesmi, I have no real preference on who to play, but if you're wanting a truly evil Soquili, you might consider one of the Kalona or my Skinwalker. If you want a dark unicorn, Wendigo will certainly suffice.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:16 pm
What do you need for her plot wise? If anything. ^^ <3
Miss Cherie
Tbh, at this point I'm just looking for friendship and so on for her. XD Personal growth. That kind of thing. What were you interested in?
Sparkly Vampire
AstoriaFallen Crew
Winter Wolf
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:47 pm
Miss Cherie
I can give her that! What is she like? I have a few options for her. But I'd like to know some base knowledge about her? Like if she's into healing, or traveling or if she's easily spooked, or wary of others. ^^
AND him. ^^ I just got him recently and keep forgetting he's in my teepee.
These are all the options I have for her for character development. It just depends on what you need specifically for her. ^^
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:11 pm
Miss Cherie
-loves on- <33
Would your Ash have any interest in meeting Arlii? She's a strong willed, spunky and fearless yet she harbors an uncertainty in her ability to be a leader as she acquired the title of herd leader at a young age. It might be interesting to have them discuss what they view as "evil". Arlii's herd is out to destroy all skinwalkers.
Annnd would the beautiful Bellatrix enjoy meeting Razor?? She'd be so thrown off by someone crazier then she is xD