Name: Misery Kishuno.
Nickname: None yet.
Age: 15, crossing to 16 soon enough.
Race: Human.
Gender: Female.
Orientation: Straight.
Bio: She was abandoned by her parents at young age.Never knowing them, she grew up in an orphanadge.She shared a room with a young neko girl for years, so they were pretty much as sisters.But slavers found out that a young neko lived there, and went after her, believing her to be easy money.Finding this out, Misery helped the girl escape but she got caught in stead.Being a human, it's not likely that she should be picked that easly but still she was taken along with them, and now remains in the Market as a substitude for her friend.
Anything else relevant: She knows nothing of being a slave, and acts no diffrently then she did while she was free.She can often be seen teasing the guards, or playing with a cellphone they failed to take from her earlyer.
Picture: User Image