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Dreams my Come: Lorne's Quests

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:27 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:00 pm
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Name:Said (Si-ied) (Arabic- 'lucky, happy')
Stage: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Lion (New rogue lines)
Parents: ??? x ???
Description: An Original character adaption.
Eyes: Bright Green
Mane: Rust Auburn
Base coat: Dark Coffee Brown
Markings: Massasi Tribal Patterns
Reference Image(s), Said
Notes: Hope to have him become part of the Dawn Walker Pride as a Scribe and Teacher of the cubs at the Temple.

March Major Custom Month

Stage: Adult
Gender: Female
Species: New old rogue? (not the bald one)
Parents: ?/?
Description:Pretty much CC.
Mane: CC
Base coat: CC
Reference Image(s), if applicable: For inspiration XDJust for feeling


Name:Sabah ( Eygpt- 'born in the morning')
Stage: Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Lion (New rogue lines)
Parents: ??? x ???
Description: An Original character adaption.
Eyes: Bright Green
Mane: Rust Auburn
Base coat: Mid-tan gradiating to dark brown, than black down her legs and tail. Black tipped ears.
Markings: Massi Tribal Markings
Reference Image(s), Sabah
Notes: Sister to Said and future thrall of Lucvair ( Kaisanti's) Though I want her to start as a Huntress in the Dawn Walker Pride.


SoA's Name: Tam Lin
Gender: Male
Species: Lion (Newest Lines)
Stage: Adult
Rank: Groundling
Description: Fur:White Mane: blue-black with violet undertones Eyes: Purple-blue Markings: Along his flanks and down his back legs stylized roses in a black graduating to purple. Stylized marking vine marking from the side of his eyes down to his cheek, also in graduating purple.
Reference Image(s): Face Marking Leg and Flank Markings

Gifted Feb for B-Day

Name: Daemon
Species:Lion (Newest Rogue Lines)
Parents:? X?
Description: Character adaption from Black Jewels by Ann Bishop
Eyes: Golden
Base coat: Black
Markings: black modern tribal patterns
Reference Image(s):Free Line Art at LKART
Tattoo Ref cause I fail at drawing them XD
Price: 350K

Name:Sylwanin meaning Weaver for Eywa
Stage: Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Lion
Parents: ??? x ???
Description: An Original character adaption, for Rp contest. Keeping concept.
Eyes: Bright purple
Mane: Dark Blue
Base coat: Mid Blue
Markings: Nav'i Markings
Reference Image(s),Ref
*note* Lion Line Art provided free by Malaiki4 on DA.


Customed into litter for Toruk

Stage: Adult
Species:Lion Newest Lines
Description:CC in shades of blue
Reference Image(s), if applicable:For Feeling
Price: 350K




PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:01 pm
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Name:Lauron, Lairanion
Stage: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Leopard New Lines
Parents: ?/?
Description:Balck and Red
Reference Image(s)Ref Pet conversion to SoA Lion*has permission for Tana to convert.


September Major Custom Month
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:09 pm
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These Cheetah's are Twins:

Parents:? X?
Description:An Original character adaption.
Eyes: Piercing Blue
Mane:Opalescent White
Base coat: Black, grading down to a dark blue.
Markings: King cheetah markings, but with his spots fading as they go down his body, but in shades of vivid blue to match his eyes.
Reference Image(s):King Cheetah in Wild
King Cheetah
* Line Art Provided by UltmKinChet at LKFA
Price: 350K


Stage: Adult
Description:]An Original character adaption.
Eyes: Piercing Blue
Mane:Opalescent White
Base coat: Black, grading down to a dark blue.
Markings: King cheetah markings, but with her spots fading as they go down her body, but in shades of vivid blue to match her eyes.
Reference Image(s):King Cheetah in Wild
King Cheetah
Is this a low luck custom?: No




PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:20 pm
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:20 pm
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Species:Wild Dog
Description: Based on my service dog
Reference Image(s), if applicable:Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 *She was moving in the 3rd pic and I lost hold of her, but it shows her back markings the best.*
Price: 350K

Sep- One  



PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:22 pm
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Name: TBA
Species:Ratal (Honeybadger)
Parents:? X?
Description: Normal looking honey badger only with a black base, and deep purple on his back graduating to a lighter purple. Something in the shades of 330033 and moving to 660066.
Reference Image(s)Honey Badger
Edits, if applicable: If he could look like a grouchy old man it would be great XD.
Edits optional?:Yes
Price:30K or 40K
Is this a low luck custom?: No


Parents:? X?
Description: Blues and browns, but mostly CC
Reference Image(s)X
Is this a low luck custom?: No
PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:10 pm
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Masks has been Approved

Domain: Masks
Existing Overlapping Domains: Anonymity, The Arts, Camouflage(?) Confusion(?) Crafts, Culture, Deception, Fashion, Festivals,Horror, Humor, Identity, Obscurity, Paint, Playfulness, Riddles, Secrets,Trickery, Vanity,(Not sure of all their powers, but I listed any I thought might overlap even a small amount.)

Physical Description: white coat with peacock markings White Pea Peas , long hair braided and twisted, peacock wings open and displayed, the 'eyes' colored as a normal peacocks, maybe incorporate them into a carnvale style Wings, carnevale mask with feathers, veil, roses Mask, ribbon around tail, roses in blues or whites with ribbons around her and along the ground. Overall a carnevale feel. Carnevale

Concept: Every Pride needs a Patron and Celsia is the girl for the Sikukuu. She is a party girl to her core. She lives for the moment, and that moment is best if she is dancing, eating, or laughing. Many yearly celebrations involve masks. Halloween, Yule, New Years, Dia de los Muertos, Mardi Gra, Carnavale, Easter, Beltane, etc. and since the Sikukuu are all about celebrating, they are the perfect SoA for her. XD
--> If you have already figured out powers, this will help us!
--> Submitting powers is usually optional, except for gods with broad or unusual domains.
Temporary Powers: [Up to three. Be very specific with what they can do/can't do.]

1 – Belle/Beau of the Ball- Celsia gifts the SoA with a mask that give them an aura of mystery and beauty, for a female, or allure and intrigue for a male. It lasts for one night only, and may only be used at night. The SoA behind the mask is completely unrecognizable, even if it is removed during the night. In the morning the other SoA around the one given the mask will only remember a charming, or beautiful stranger that enjoyed the night away with them.

2 – Sweet Sensations- When Celsia chooses to come and celebrate with other SoA, well she is just the life of the party! She adds the enjoyment of the fun to those SoA wearing masks in a twelve foot radius. The effect is much like a high, and may render the SoA affected to lose their inhibitions. It lasts as long as she decides to keep the revelry going. This power allows her to move among the Pride during normal activities and not disrupt their lives, but allows her to bless them in her own way during celebrations.

3 – Carnevale Creation- When Celsia gives this mask to an SoA it allows them to 'see' the perfect way to plan that special celebration. Creative energy just flows, and every detail and nuance needed to pull it off suddenly come to the SoA behind the mask. Everything from a wedding, to a wake. Its power lasts only forty-eight hours so the SoA must work fast and have an army behind them. Once the mask fades away the SoA will not be able to remember the perfect plan if they have not finished. They may guess and get close, but it will not be the dream only a god may see. She may bestow the mask once a season..ie: Winter, Spring, Summer,Fall.

Permanent Power: Mirror Mask- If a SoA really pisses off Celsia, she can really make their life hell. While she is a party girl and will let a lot slide, even she has her limits. Should an SoA get on her bad side, she will give them the 'gift' of the Mirror Mask. This Mask adheres to the SoA's face and twists its features to reflect the ugliness inside them. It will distort the SoA till reaches the full potential of their 'inner mask', but leave them recognizable. It can not be removed by mortal means, though death will make the SoA's true face reappear as the Mask falls off. Celsia can remove it herself, if she feels like it. Using this power takes a lot out of her, and if she should use it, she can not use any of her other powers for several weeks afterward. She may use this twice a year, six moons between.

Stage: (Adult Only)
Parents:? X ?
Have you had your quest approved?Yes
Description:white coat with peacock markings; long hair braided and twisted, peacock wings open and displayed, the 'eyes' colored as a normal peacocks, maybe incorporate them into a carnvale style, carnevale mask with feathers, veil, roses, ribbon around tail, roses in blues or whites with ribbons around her and along the ground. Overall a carnevale feel. (only as complex as you feel as making it)
Reference Image(s), if applicable:White Pea Peas Wings Mask Carnevale
How many gods do you own? none
Required RPs: For ascending mortals and gods being reborn
Brief Information on Your Character:Every Pride needs a Patron and Celsia is the girl for the Sikukuu. She is a party girl to her core. She lives for the moment, and that moment is best if she is dancing, eating, or laughing. Many yearly celebrations involve masks. Halloween, Yule, New Years, Dia de los Muertos, Mardi Gra, Carnavale, Easter, Beltane, etc. and since the Sikukuu are all about celebrating, they are the perfect SoA for her.


Domain: Southern Cross
Existing Overlapping Domains: Comets, Stars, Navigation, Night, The Lost. (Not sure of all their powers, but I listed any I thought might overlap even a small amount.)
Physical Description:Ref Image Black base, white underbelly, copper mane, red eyes, and 'star pattern' across pelt with the Hindi stylized Southern Cross on his flank.
Concept: The Southern Cross is unique to Southern Africa and the Southern hemisphere. Its been used in lore and myths. This concept is based on the lore of the native peoples of Africa and their relationship with the Southern Cross. It is very specific for those myths and how the native African people deal with , and use this, set of stars. As with any Rp concept there is some interpretation involved and creative license.

Temporary Powers: [Up to three. Be very specific with what they can do/can't do.]

1 – Southern Points- Acrux can manifest a ethereal lion that will lead a lost creature to Celestial South, or to Polar South, the directions the Southern Cross points to. (The stars Acrux and Gacrux) or South East, the direction the longer end stops at. ( The stars Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri) It can not guide them in any other direction and once they reach their destination ( no longer then 3 days) the ethereal guide returns to Acrux. * see foot note one*

2 – Arcux's Brilliance-Acrux may bestow a moonstone to an animal that holds the brilliance of Arcux the brightest star in the Southern Cross. For three uses it will produce a blue-white light that that has a ten foot radius. It may be used as a light source, or to blind another if shone in their eyes, or as a beacon to call or warn others, or whatever use the animal may have for it. It is the light of a star, so it produces no warmth, but it is a steady glow that will not waver, and can not be put out by mortal means. * foot note two *

3 – Old Bag of the Night- As with the moonstone, Acrux may bestow a piece of obsidian to an animal that holds the darkness of the Coal Sack Nebula that is part of the Southern Cross constellation. For three uses it will produce a deep, impenetrable darkness for a radius of five feet. It may be used to hide, to confuse another animal, or whatever use the animal may have for it. It is the dark of a Nebula, so it is complete darkness and mortal light can not penetrate it, and it can not be put out by mortal means. * see foot note three *

Permanent Power: -Mura's Menace- Acrux may bestow on a mortal the gift of his gaze. It is used only as a defensive ability. With this 'gift' a mortal may end an attack on them or another victim by meeting the attackers eyes. Their gaze must be held. It literally causes them feel physical, crippling pain. It may only be used once in a moon's cycle, and only if the mortal is attacked first without provocation. Acrux RARELY bestows this gift. If he does it is to an animal who has shown to be a protector of those weaker than themselves, or of the innocent, or has shown some kind of selflessness. It may not be dispelled by mortal means. * see foot note four *


From the top of the cross Gacrux(gamma crucis) trace a line south to Acrux (alpha crucis) and continue about 4.5 times that distance and you will get near the celestial south pole.

The two stars of Alpha and Beta Centauri are often referred to as the "Southern Pointers" or just "The Pointers", allowing people to easily find the asterism of the Southern Cross or the constellation of Crux.

The /Xam Bushmen saw the two Pointers as male lions; they were once men, but a magical girl turned them into stars. The three brightest stars of the Southern Cross they saw to be female lions. ( this is where the idea of the ethereal lion guide stems from)


With five bright main stars, alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon crucis, Crux is highly visible.

All five of those stars are magnitude 3.6 or brighter and within 365 light years of Earth. (both of these facts lend to the idea of providing a brilliant light)

One of the better features in the constellation Crux is the coalsack nebula. A dark patch in the southern Milky Way visible to the naked eye.

The Coal Sack, a large dark nebula near the Southern Cross, is known as the "Old Bag of the Night" to the Nyae Nyae !Kung Bushmen. It is thought to be true darkness where not even the light of the heaven can shine. ( these lead to the idea of a darkness)

To the Khoikhoi, the Pointers were known as Mura, “The Eyes”, of some great celestial beast.

Eyes in native myth have the ability to protect, and ward of danger or evil. (lending to the idea of his gaze)

Information Web Links:
African Star Lore, Crux: The Southern Cross, Southern Cross, Wiki-Southern Cross-Crux

All powers are up to the discretion of the SoA Gods and are welcomed to be changed, tweeked, or rewritten if need be so as not to compromise another god's domain.  


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