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Captain Hair To The Rescue!

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Blessed Wench

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:26 am
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Sitting in his favorite chair at his spacious manor Collin Mochrie sits before a blazing fire. pollishing his bald spot. It's late at night and snow has begun to fall in the land of Gaia. Collin has been alert for some time now, Christmas in Gaia always means a battle of some sort. Adjusting the mirror placed on a small table before him Collin makes sure his bald spot is aptly polished. If any one spot is not properly polished then his super secret technique, THE BALD SPOT OF DOOM, would fail. He had other skills, The Canadian Jargon Strike, The Loud Shirt Paralyzer, The Bad Rap Wrap, and many others, but THE BALD SPOT OF DOOM was his ace in the pocket, the trick up his sleeve, his fall back, his...

A knock on the door roused Collin from his thoughts. "Enter!"
Collins' exceedingly tall butler, Stiles, entered, " Sirr I've...
"Speak up man I can't hear you over those shoes of yours!" Collin cried gesturing to the large pair of blue leather shoes on Stiles' feet.
Clearing his throat Stiles raised his voice, " Sir, I've just recieved word the Mr. Gambino has decided to destroy Modmas once and for all."
Collin leapt to his feet " Holy Mother of Rogaine! I must stop him!" Collin dashed behind a changing screen and appeared on the other side, now wearing garish and over the top Hawaiian shirt.
"Leave Stiles before the power of the Loud Shirt of Paralyzation affects you!"
" Don't worry sir, I'll be fine, the shoes will keep me safe! Show Gambino what happens when he messes with Captain Hair!"

Captain Hair rushed out the door, down two flights of stairs, down a corridor, right down another corridor, through the second dining room, down another flight of stairs, through the master ballroom- " Geez, I need to get a smaller house" -sidetracked through the servant's servants quaters and out the back door. Captain Hair leaned a hand against the side of the house as he bent over, catching his breath. Then he set off at a dash once more, ready for anything Gambino threw his way!  
Shexyfeline92 rolled 2 20-sided dice: 10, 5 Total: 15 (2-40)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:56 am
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Captain Hair stalked, no prowled, no actually it was more of a fierce walk, through the wilds of Gaia searching for Gambino's minions. Suddenly he happened upon a green creature that looked like a kind of demented bunny. What were they called again? Green bunny, green bunny....?
"I'm a Grunny you nitwit, name me and despair for I am the last thing you shall see before you die!" The Grunny lunged at Captainhair, fangs bared.
"I think not Grunny fiend take that!"Captain Hair began to rap and the Grunny curled up in pain at the horrible noise.

Bad Rapping Attack!+5 Sound Damage!

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AC - 10
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Blessed Wench

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Shexyfeline92 rolled 2 20-sided dice: 20, 18 Total: 38 (2-40)


Blessed Wench

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:27 pm
Fight #2

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Captain Hair finished his rap, something about bald men being uber sexy, and began to circle the Grunny fiend.

The Grunny got to his paws and snarled, " Very clever Captain Hair but this is only the beginning, GRUNNY CHARGE! "

Captain Hair easily side stepped the charging Grunny. -Thunk- The Grunny ran into a tree. Captain Hair laughed and bent his head forward a bit. He had finally found a good shaft of moonlight to reflect off his bald head. He timed his beam to coincide with the turning of the dazed Grunny so he go the full impact of the blinding light. The Grunny shrieked in agony and his face smoked where the reflected light touched it.

THE BALD SPOT OF DOOM!+16 damage (+2 Bonus Tree Damage) = +18 damage!

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AC - 10
HP - 17
Shexyfeline92 rolled 2 20-sided dice: 4, 18 Total: 22 (2-40)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:46 pm
Fight #1

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Clouds came in and covered the moon, cutting off the light, preventing THE BALD SPOT OF DOOM from working. The Grunny blinked a bit until he could focus again and growled at Captain Hair. " You think you're so clever with your bad rapping and bald spots..."
" THE BALD SPOT OF DOOM." Captain Hair interrupted.
" That move, it's called THE BALD SPOT OF DOOM."
" Look if you're going to sound clever and all bad guyish, then at least get things right. "
" I don't care! "
" Well you should care! "
" Should not! "
" Should too! "
And so continued the argument thus preventing any fighting from occuring.


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AC - 10
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Blessed Wench

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Shexyfeline92 rolled 2 20-sided dice: 2, 2 Total: 4 (2-40)


Blessed Wench

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:15 pm
Fight # 2

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A dashingly handsome man sits in a portable announcers booth a short distance away from the clearing where Captain Hair and the Grunny are fighting. Since the argument about how to properly be a bad guy has been going on for about an hour now and showing no signs of stopping the roleplayer has decided to bring in another character to entertain readers while the two guys hash it out. Noticing that I am now talking about him he turns toward the reader and flashes a winning smile.

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" Hello avid readers, those continuing with this coverage and others who have just joined us. The tension is mounting as Grunny and Captain hair continue to clash wits. Both men have razor sharp tongues and a diverse category of words to pulverize there enemies to quivering mounds of pitiless souls. Let's tune in back to the battle of words and see how our competitors are doing: "

Grunny " Your just a big baldy! "
Captain Hair " Oh yeah, well you're just a tiny, green rabbit!"
Grunny "Cueball!"
CH " Imp! "
Grunny " Loser! "
CH " Bigger Loser!"

" My what a wonderous spectacle. Stayed tuned for more action to come. "


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AC - 10
HP - 17
Shexyfeline92 rolled 2 20-sided dice: 20, 19 Total: 39 (2-40)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:29 pm
Fight #1

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We arrive back at the desk of the Announcer who is currently fast asleep. His head lays upon the desktop on its side and there's a big puddle of drool beneath his cheek. Perhaps I should wake him. *Roleplayer pokes announcer*
" But I love cookies!" The Announcer says, jerking into a sitting posistion. He looks around in a sleepy haze for a bit then realizing where he is, he wipes the drool off his cheek and gives one of his famous winning smiles.

" Welcome back everyone, it seems that our two fighters have ceased the name calling and have entered into a staring contest. Sources say it has gone on for 10 hours and neither competitor has blinked. Let's return now and see if any new developements have occured."

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Captain Hair and the fiendish Grunny currently stare fiercely into each others eyes, mentally willing the other to blink first. Captain Hair, however, is thinking of something else as well. Superheroes are pros at thinking at multiple things at once, hence the superhero thing. He's waiting for the right moment to come along so that he can unleash his final attack. Suddenly it's upon him!

" You're nothing but a puddle of cow urine! " He whispers menacingly.
" Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? " The Grunny sneers back.
" No, but I kiss yours! "
The Grunny's eyes widen in rage and Captain Hair snaps into action. He stands up and rips open his shirt, baring his naked, white, slightly flabby chest to the Grunny's now very wide eyes. The Grunny moans in agony and despair and collapses. His eyes are wide open and he twitches occaisonaly, mumbling nonsensical words.

Surprise Flasher Attack!+19 Damage!

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AC - 10
HP - 0

The Announcer leaps to his feat shouting, " Oh my folks if you could've seen what I've just seen. Well actually no because it was a little scary but still, the sheer cunning and brilliance of tat move was a sight to behold. I have witnessed greatness here this day. " A tear rolls down the Announcer's cheek as he sits back in his chair. " Please, join us next time as Cpatain Hair continues his quest to save Modmas. Will Captain Hair be successful in thwarting Johnny Gambino's schemes or will the roleplayer forget to log on to finish the story?"  


Blessed Wench

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Shexyfeline92 rolled 2 20-sided dice: 16, 15 Total: 31 (2-40)


Blessed Wench

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:18 pm
Fight # 1

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Having had his desk towed to Captain Hair's next destination the Announcer sits with his hands clapsed before him, sitting on the edge of his seat as he watches Captain Hair's every move.

" I'm on the edge of my seat, dear readers, watching Captain Hair's every move. When I was first blackmailed into taking this assignment I thought for sure I'd wind up dying of boredom but never have I seen such a wonderous odyssey with my own eyes. After having successfully defeated the Grunny fiend, who is now at Timmy's Memorial Hospital For The Mentally Scarred, Captain Hair has made his way to Gambino's Mansion. He is at the front gate now and is appears to be searching for something. Let's take a closer look. "

" Where the heck is the doorbell on this thing, I mean seriously, what does a guy have to do around here to announce his presense to evildoers? " Captain Hair was searching so vigorously for the elusive doorbell that he did not notice a small door opening on the gate and a figure in a green cap and white labcoat exiting. The figure stared at Captain Hair, hoping to catch his attention but failed to do so. The Labtech coughed and Captain Hair spun around.

" Holy Drew Carey! Don't go around coughing like that, you scared me! "
The Labtech glared at Captain Hair then said, " None shall pass. "
( Announcer- " Hey he stole my line! "
Captain Hair laughed and said, " I will get into this mansion and stop Gambino from destroying Modmas, no matter what dangers I encounter! "
"Since you have chosen to take aggressive actions I have no choice but to stop you. Hy-Yah! "

The Labtech aimed a karate chop at Captain Hair's head but Captain Hair ducked and the Labtech's hand smashed against the front gate. The Labtech howled and began jumping and dancing in place, clutching his battered hand. Captain Hair bit his lip to keep from laughing but a small bubble of laughter escaped. The Labtech whirled on him and screamed, " Do you think this is funny?! "
" No, well actually a little bit yes. "

Having-The-Enemy-Hurt-Himself-Without-Actually-Doing-Anything Technique+ 15 Damage!

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AC - 12
HP - 45
Shexyfeline92 rolled 2 20-sided dice: 8, 15 Total: 23 (2-40)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:26 pm
Fight #1

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The Announcer sat as his desk, carving doodles and words into his desk using a letter opener. It looks like he's carving himself with a cape and crown on and stick figures bowing at his feet. Low self esteem much?

The Announcer quickly covers the drawings with a piece of paper and is now glaring at me the writer.
" I will not validate that with an answer." Oh dear he's flipped me off, oh well. Back to the story.

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Captain Hair waited while the Labtech regained himself.
" You alright, you need a moment? "
The Labtech stopped whimpering and glared at Captain Hair " You alright, need a moment, nenenenenenena. Just wait Captain...Stupido, I'll kick your a** just you wait. "
" Alright I'll give you a moment. "


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AC - 12
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Blessed Wench

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Shexyfeline92 rolled 2 20-sided dice: 16, 11 Total: 27 (2-40)


Blessed Wench

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:48 pm
Fight # 2

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" Previous readers might have read that I might have, maybe, created a certain drawing depicting myself as the king of all announcers with other announcers bowing at my feet, in awe of my prestige and talent, but I didn't so of course I don't really believe that I'm better then other announcers. "
Yes you do I saw you drawing it last post.
" No, no, no, no I'm sure you were just mistaken, I'm sure it happens all the time. "
No, I wasn't, you...
" ANYWAYS, it seems that the Labtech has regained himself after his grievous injury so lets get back to what's really important and see what Captain Hair will do next. "

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The Labtech, holding his left hand stiffly at his side, stood before Captain Hair, calming himself as he readied for his next attack. Captain Hair, having grown bored waiting for his enemy to stop whining about his injury, was now examining the architecture of Gambino's Mansion. He had to admit he was impressed, but no amount of fancy architecture could sway him from his course of exacting justice.

The Labtech suddenly lunged at Captain Hair, bent over low, hoping he could headbutt Captain Hair in the stomache. Captain Hair turned towards the Labtech, seeing him move in his peripheral vision, and easily sidestepped the tackle. The Labtech tried to stop himself but his forward momentum carried him until he found himself stuck in a bush up his waist. The Labtech struggled as best he could but found he was presently stuck. Captain Hair, while bent over laughing, was struck with an idea. When he regained his breath and composure he stood up and tapping into his Canadianess spoke to the leaves on the bush.
-Sidenote: Since the Canandian flag has a leaf on it all Canadians are born with an innate ability to commune with all leaves-

The labtech stopped struggling and soon was laughing uncontrollably as the leaves on the bush began to tickle him.

Canadian Leaf Talker Tickler Move!+ 11 Damage!

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AC - 12
HP - 34
Shexyfeline92 rolled 2 20-sided dice: 17, 12 Total: 29 (2-40)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:44 pm
Fight # 1  


Blessed Wench

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