Enemy: Johnny K. Gambino!
AC - 16
HP - 70

Rolled AC: 20
Rolled damage: 17

Attack successful.

Remaining enemy HP: -7

Remaining daily attacks: 0


Countess Morianna jumped up and grabbed onto a tree branch just above her as Johnny charged at her again, her dagger held tight, and dropped down, landing on his shoulders. She hit his head with the hilt of her dagger, and he fell to the ground. She jumped clear and rolled with the impact as she landed on the ground, watching him for a moment before she stood and nodded to herself, seeing that he was unconscious.
She pulled out some rope and tied his hands together, then went to retrieve her weapons. When he woke up a few minutes later, she made him march along with her until she finally arrived at the place where Modmas was being held, then she turned him in and told everyone how he had tried to ruin Modmas...