I'm going to try my hand at Modmas for the first time EVER... I never do well at these things, sweatdrop but my Gaian Holiday ambitions are High this year and I need to try my best no matter the outcome so I'll start with the RPG

As always others are welcome to Join my thread should they feel like it. HOWEVER STICK TO GAIA'S TOS PLEASE IF YOU DO!!!

Now... TO BATTLE...

The Enemies
Tier 1 - Grunnies

These furry little creatures may seem cute at first, but don't let that fool you. They've been made specifically for attacking anything they see. They're ferocious and hungry, and they're only the beginning of things. . .
AC - 10
HP - 40

Tier 2 - Labtechs

Due to years of experiments gone horribly wrong, these labtechs have become virtual supersoliders. Their incredible physique is only rivaled by their pursuit of new test subjects.
AC - 12
HP - 60

Tier 3 - Gambino

Johnny Freaking K. Gambino, the very man himself. A bitter and selfish rage has engulfed his mind and soul, transforming him into a depraved and empty shell of his once glorious self. The only thing standing between him and the complete destruction of Modmas? You. . .
AC - 16
HP - 70