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Heavy tail of fluff swished back and forth as the Goddess tread through the harsh landscape of God's Haven. Despite the awe-inspiring view, the location itself was quite stark and dull. But perhaps that was only on this side of the mountain, Sayida paused to consider. Afterall she was hardly familiar with the haven and had yet to scope out the entire area. It'd no doubt be an interesting quest, if she ever bothered to do so, simply to fully understand this forbidden land to the fullest of her ability. And benefit.

But she held no interest in that now; instead she kept drifting her gaze down to the mortal realm. It seemed so much more.....detailed. Alive. "Hn, of course it would be though." The female plopped down in the snow, letting her front paws criss-cross casually. Perhaps she should pay a visit to the vast lands below, maybe even relocate there for some period of time?