Name: Andria
Age: far to old
Race: Succubus
Master or Mistress: Mistress
Orientation: Bisexual
Bio: Born human so very long ago, she was a slave then and used in many ways. When she was finally killed she was filled with so much hate toward men that she became a Succubus. Since then she has fed off the life force of any man she comes across. However, she came across a particular man who turned out to be an Incubus, and he taught her that a Succubus doesn't have to hate men, that she could learn to love them for what they gave to her. And with his teachings, she began to wonder, if someone could love her back. Now, she searches for a slave, someone to help her with this quest. Who... will this be?
Anything else relevant: She loves Furrys.. she finds them so alluring.
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