Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:40 pm
Name: Lilith Temper:Adventurous Acquired by: Given by Pippi
Current Stage: Mare Past Stage(s): Basket - Filly Parents: Skah & Lavanya Siblings: Snow Dancer
Personality: Bubbly, there is rarely a time she will be sad, if there is it usually doesn't last long. Lilith will become protective of her friends and family. She has a tendency of being overly curious. Often times she is a seeker of knowledge and will ask like a million questions. She's outgoing and adventurous. As she grows her hyperness will dim a bit, but she will always have a bit of an inner filly in her.
Mate: N/a Offspring: N/a
Acquaintances: Rahnya, Adeline, Raven, Zayford, Rakshi, Tian, Leila Friends: Branwen, Auri
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:11 pm
Name:Zayford Temper:Mischevious Acquired by: Full ownership given Here
Current Stage: Stallion Past Stage(s): n/a Parents: N/a Siblings: N/a
Personality: He's a mischievous loaner who has the love of playing tricks on others as well as playing the game sparks. He has a bit of a competitive streak, he's stubborn and thick headed at times, but he can be a sweetheart at times, when he wants to be that is. Zayford will only help those if he can benefit from it.
Other Info: He wishes his sister was with him, playing pranks all the time. Mate: N/a Offspring: N/a
Acquaintances: n/a Friends:n/a
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:14 pm
Name: Eurig Temper: Understanding Acquired by: Art Contest Prize
Current Stage: Stallion Past Stage(s): n/a Parents: N/a Siblings: N/a
Personality: Eurig is quite the understanding stallion. He doesn't really talk much, but will voice an opinion when needed. He's gentle and laid back. Eurig will become protective and loyal to his friends and loved ones, sometimes he may be over protective.
Other Info: Eurig was once the property of a Skinwalker. In order to save his own skin he had pledged loyalty to the walker. However since he dis liked killing and he was helping the walker do so he escaped. The golden chains he carries with him act as his reminder to the guilt and shame of his past. Mate: N/a Offspring: N/a
Acquaintances: n/a Friends:n/a
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:08 am
Name: Bayard Temper: Gentle Acquired by: Mini Mixer Breeding Event
Current Stage: Adult Past Stage(s): Basket- Foal Parents: Zayford x Lake Fate Siblings: Mayim Familiar: x
Personality: Bayard is a Gentle Soul, unlike his father he really doesn't care for tricks. He loves to make friends.
Once grown he will have a love for little ones, even though he is an adult he will still be quite playful. Other Info: Will never know its birth father or mother.
Mate: N/a Offspring: N/a
Acquaintances: n/a Friends:n/a
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:42 pm
Name: Royce Temper: Shy Acquired by: Art Contest 2013
Current Stage: Adult Parents: N/a
Personality: Royce is a shy little seathi even towards those he knows, yet he loves to play with little ones and considers himself quite good at it. He usually won't speak to another, so meeting new friends is quite not up his ally. Because of his shyness he is considered a bit of a loner. He does have a bit of short term memory loss so there are times where he will find himself at a loss.
Mate: N/a Offspring: N/a
Acquaintances: n/a Friends:n/a
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:57 pm
Name: Keahi Temper: Fiery Acquired by: Second chance CYO 2016
Current Stage: Adult Parents: N/a
Personality: Keahi has quite the fiery temper.
Mate: N/a Offspring: N/a Familiar : Hurik Acquaintances: n/a Friends:n/a Body Markings: x Uncert: x
Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 10:03 pm
Name: Amihan Temper: Whimsical Acquired by: Lolly's Bulid a Pony
Current Stage: Adult Parents: N/a
Personality: Often acts with out thinking. Always lost with his own thoughts, which causes him to run into inanimate objects. Quite the naive air head.
Mate: N/a Offspring: N/a Familiar : Acquaintances: n/a Friends:n/a Naked: x Uncert: x
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:04 pm
Name: Kandice "Candy" Temper: Caring Acquired by: 2017 Valentines Mixer Current Stage: Adult Parents: Duana Dhu x Royce Personality: Kandice is quite the caring seathi. Often caring for her forgetful father. Mate: N/a Offspring: N/a Familiar : Acquaintances: n/a Friends:n/a Uncert: x
Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:13 am
Name: Mark Temper: Mischevious Acquired by: 2017 Pokemon Event
Current Stage: Adult Parents: N/a
Personality: Mark is always telling jokes or getting into some kind of trouble. Though he likes to play tricks on others he is quite considerate with his pranks always trying to find ways for others to laugh with him rather then him laughing at them.
Mate: N/a Offspring: N/a Familiar : Acquaintances: n/a Friends:n/a Uncert: x
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:43 am
Skögul Alvitr 's info here
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:12 pm
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:00 pm
Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 12:33 pm