A friend of mine wanted me to post this for her so that she can remain anonymous. Some feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks.

I am running
From my past
From my future
From you
From me
I’m running from what I want to be
From what I can be
What I am
From Shaun, from Zed, and all those before them
I’m running from fear
I’m running from death
and then there’s depression, and the loneliness
I’m running from God
and the devil
and whatever the hell else is in between
I’m running from fashion
From being human
From having relationships
Even from being social
I’m running from fights, and friends
and drama
From laughter and tears
From songs and music
From writing and reading
I am running, but I’m happy
I cry, but I’m happy
I cut, but I’m happy
I run, and I’m happy
Don’t call it wrong,
Don’t tell me that I need to face my problems
I know I do…
But for now, I want to be happy
and if being happy for the moment means running
For as long and fast as I can, I’ll do it
I’ll do it every day for the rest of my life if I have to
I’ll run