Name Nanka
Age 20
Gender female
Seme, Uek, Seke
Race human
She was the loyal and loving slave of a very old Trillionaire. His children all disappointed him several went criminal enough to be convicted, the rest were either more careful or had better lawyers, but finally got together and murdered him using a slow and almost undetectable poison. He had means of detecting it that couldn't be used in court.

Indeed making the accusation of murder against the kids could lead to a sanity question, perhaps overturning his will and letting the murdering scoundrels take his fortune.

His solution, rewrite his will, freeing me and naming me as primary heir. I have to put his corpse into a freeze chamber and give cell samples to a doctor he named to clone him a new body. When the clone is ready cosmetic surgery will alter his looks a bit and his brain, unfrozen, transplanted into the new younger body.
As it turns out i'll end up marrying him.. maybe... but for now I am lonely and need to prove i'm qualified to be the mistres fo the house.....

Now I'm going to the market to get a slave to try top establish dominance over. The thing is .. I'm not a dominat person..
Orentation straight
Anything else I have noe clue how to be dominate, and i'll need help
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