Okay, so there will be individual rules for each subforum, just as there are general rules for the entire guild. You don't have to like them, but they will
be here and enforced none the less.
1. No Porn movies. None. I don't care how much porn you watch or
what your favorite kind is, if i catch it being talked about, i will find you
and kill you in your sleep.
2. Don't bash each other, poking a little fun and debating is okay,
but if it gets out of hand, that's a strike.
3. Follow all ToS
4. Don't be a creepy fan girl and talk about how hot Edward is, it's
okay to mention looks, and actors and such, just don't be retarded
about it.
5. Most importantly have fun with it.

These are subject to chance and will as they need to be, so keep up with this thing.