Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:23 pm
I like events. I like thinking of events. /fail.
I've had this in my head for a little while now and I've finally gotten around to suggesting it. I'm a soq noob so I'm not sure if this would be possible but I think it'd be an awesome way to give away new soq. n_n;
Anyways; Soq based on MCs? The way I think it could work is this..
Every month there could be a free mini event (raffle or whatever) where four soq wwere given away based on the MCs. (one full one mini for each MC [or something else idk. <_<]) And people would enter to win one blahblahblahsparklesandrainbows.
BUUUUUUUUT to keep things fair and to stop people winning twice in a row (not saying that happens but yeah) I think it'd be a good idea if the people who won the month before would have to wait a month before entering again (that is they wouldn't be allowed to enter for the NEXT month's MCs).
I think it'd be a great way to keep soq alive (implying soq is ever dead but you know what I mean) in between events and even though it's something small it's still a regular occuring thing. I'm not sure how the colourists really work on things here or if this would be do-able but I think it'd be nice. n_n;
Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:14 pm
I think colorists are allowed to do freebies now as part of their rotation (customs/breedings/freebies), and that's a good idea if they want to use MCs as a theme, but I think making them a monthly required thing might not go over too well. They have a lot on their plate already, and while mini events between big events is always fun and welcome, I'd like to see more variety than the same mini event every month.
edit: But on that same train of thought, I think an event near the end of the year using MCs from that year as inspiration would be a good theme imho