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[LOG] Our New Family, Our New Future (Nanashi & Nyoka)

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:47 pm
Nanashi approached the den slowly, his body tired from that day's work. He was coming home later than normal, but with Nyoka out of business – forcefully, since she seemed determined to work despite being ill – he had more work on his shoulders with keeping the pride in check. It was already dark when he entered the den, stretching slowly and wincing as his bones cracked somewhat painfully. He was looking forwards to sleeping, and curling up next to his beloved mate. His mate. Who was pregnant with his cubs. It was like a dream, and a few months previous, it had been only a dream.

It was his reality now, he thought, with a smile working across his tired face as he approached his sleeping – or so he hoped – mate's side, lying down next to her and gently nuzzling her cheek.

He adored her. Which was why it killed him to see her not feeling well due to the pregnancy. Were the cubs making her ill? He hoped not. He didn't think he could bear to see either his mate or his cubs harmed by this pregnancy. He sighed, and glanced down at her, wondering if she was in fact asleep.

- -

    Her body had ached and it was a tiresome day staying in the den when usually she was out but now. She couldn't- her mate had worried and thus keeping her in the den. It was only now that she started to feel even more sick. Today had not been a good day and Vailea and Tsura's nanny came by to care for her. Since of course she also cared for the cubs when they were little and hoped to someday be the nanny of the new royal heirs. It would be a great gift.
    When Nanashi was coming in, she had only left a few moments prior. Taking up leafs to soak Nyoka's head a bit and bringing her herbs to easy her pain. It seemed that the pregnancy was a lot more strainious than her last litter. The one she didn't talk about at all. She was pretty much in a daze, her head draped over her forepaws and looking rather strained already. Her stomach had grown way bigger than she had before. Her breath, wheezing slightly.
    When her mate came in, it was as if she didn't hear him. Her head hot and her fur matted down.. Only when he nuzzled her cheek that she weakly look up at him, eyes slitted and a tired look. "Nan." Her breath was escaping her. "I didn't hear you." Such soft whispers as she tried to give him a soft lick on his muzzle. "I've been waiting." By now she knew today would be the day that she was going to give birth but the herbs made it so she would slightly slow and not feel the pain of it. Her ears went up and a smile grew- a weak one.

- -

Nanashi frowned as he took in his mate's form, worry gnawing at his chest. He continued to nuzzle and lick her cheek, trying to sooth her though he knew little he did would help at this point. “I'm sorry,” he whispered to her, keeping his voice quiet and soothing. “Things got busy tonight, a few people tried to stay out after curfew but all is well again and I am yours for the night.” He smiled warmly at her. She was one of the few who saw his open and honest smile, no guards or defenses up.

“I love you,” he whispered to her, and placed a paw gently on her swollen belly, careful to put barely any pressure on the flesh. “How are you feeling?”

- -

    Worry was slightly growing but when he showed affections a lot of it was disappearing.. and Like when he first told him that he was to be a father. She also felt that same worry. Especially with Dysi. It would be hard to explain and show what she really felt about it all. Like a snake, whom knew what she was up to? Only Nanashi knew, since this litter meant the world to her. She even tried to care for herself! Her head leaned more to his affections until he touched her swollen belly. Ears fanned back. "I feel slightly more better, the nanny had given me some herbs." She spoke softly. "Today- I think it shall be."
    A soft hiss when the straining started. "Maybe in a few hours.. But it won't be long now.- " Looking at him with those seafoam green eyes.. absorbed in them. "I love you." She stated- as though it were final. Then tried to coil closer to him and drape her head over his other paw. Nuzzling in to his chest and neck when she could.

- -

Nanashi blanched at her comment. “Today?” He sounded strained, as if it would be him delivering cubs. He had both feared and looked forward to this event. His mate had been so sick, he had worried what would happen when the cubs finally arrived. Would they hurt her? Would they be hurt? Were they sick too?

“If you had told me, I would have stayed with you today,” he scolded gently, curling around her as she tried to coil closer to her. He laid his paws on her, and nuzzled her lovingly, cleaning her fur with gentle strokes and trying to cool her. He was pleased that the nanny had been so attentive to his mate, and that she had given her herbs. He couldn't imagine what it would be like without any herbs or assistance. He would be useless in this sort of situation, without the nanny's guiding influence. He hadn't been around when Aiko was pregnant, let alone when she gave birth. He knew nothing about it, but he knew he wanted to help Nyoka through this, in any way he could.

- -

    A soft wince came out as she started to feel uneasy and moved slightly only to lean against him the way through. "As if I would disturb our work- and the pride won't wait for a birth my mate," She gave a huff and the pain started to hit.  Her claws came out and held on to his paw.
    "Its time." SHe tried to move and lift her body and weakly leaned back down a moment. "I don't think I can make it to our spring." SHe tried to joke and lowered her body while breathing heavily.. "It hurts." Turning her head and leaning her upper body in an awkward position as she winced. Ears pinned back.

- -

Nanashi frowned. “But you are more important. I could have gotten Aiko, or Bugie or even Baride to step in! I could have taken a day off, my love. You are the only reason I would ever think of taking a day off,” he nuzzled her lovingly. He winced as her claws came out and clenched his paw, but quickly lifted both his to sandwich hers between his.

He thought of running to find someone. Aiko! She'd know what to do. She'd done this before, but he couldn't make himself move. He had to be there, for Nyoka. He had to show her how much he adored her. “I love you,” he whispered, trying to distract her from the pain. “I love these cubs, and I love you for doing this for me – for us – for our family.” He nuzzled her cheek, wrapping his tail around her to add to his embrace. The herbs would do no good now, as they wouldn't reach her blood stream in time to dull the birthing pains.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:33 am
"I can't help it- This pride is what is important to me.. I wanna make sure I can relax and let someone else run it." She tried to joke but then she was hurt by the pain and she almost let out a scream but then grabbed on to a rock with her mouth. And bit.. Whimpering slightly.. as she coiled her body inward.

"This isn't what I thought~!" Placing a paw on her head as she tried to relax her muscles. "I need water." Though she hated it, rarely you'd see her in it and even more rarely ask for it. But she was blue and it had 'magic' properties. Or so she thought. Closing her eyes and her face was full of pain. Initially she didn't know if it was a cub coming out or just painful but then it was as if .. the pain just tore her out. Waiting now for a body to just flop out.

Last time she had Nanu helping her out but now just her mate. Well she hoped he didn't freak out more than she was already. "WATER! NANNY. IN PAIN."

Chi Sohma

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:04 pm
Nanashi shook his head, amused but not ready to laugh at her joke. He nuzzled her neck as she practically screamed, trying to soothe her but unable to help. When she called out for Water, he thought of running to fetch her some, but was terrified to leave her alone.

He pulled her closer to him, trying to keep her calm with his body and presence, but feared he was not doing much to help.

He murmured soothing words in her ear, until she screamed for water a second time. He hesitated, before casting a worried glance around the den.

"Bugie!" He yelled out, hoping his brother had not wandered off for the night. "Bugie! He cuddled Nyoka closer, unable to leave her.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:18 pm
For the most part. Bugie was following Nyoka and Nanashi around. Since the babies, he had to be on special guard duty and awaiting anything. For now.. he was awaiting while starring at Abby's den. Ears down and pretty much absorbed with starring. Til a shadow came in and he was forced to look away before Nyoka screaming out. His ears went up and he was about to make his way in before remembering Nanashi come in. Having nodded to him early but then Nanashi's voice carried out of the den which made Bugie buckle his step and came inside with a worried look upon his face. Bowing his head at them before moving forward. The look Nyoka had on her face, he was unfamiliar too. Genuine fear and pain.


Her stomach ailed her and she gritted her teeth most of the time. But when nanashi laid beside her she only leaned more in to him. Having to snug her face within his chest. When he called out to Bugie, she couldn't just say no. He could carry her there. Though bloated with babies on board.


When he waited to be of use and hearing her say water. In a yell mostly.. he walked closer and leaned his head down. "What can I do."

Chi Sohma

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:45 pm
Usually gentle with his brother, as he was with all of his siblings, Nanashi was unusually curt with his adopted brother. "Help me lift her, Brother," Nanashi told Bugie, nuzzling Nyoka with a softness contrasting his firm tone. "The babies are coming and she needs to be at the springs," continued, glancing at his bulkier built brother. "I can not do this on my own."

Nanashi would not be able to life the pregnant cheetah alone, but with the help of the stockier build of the leopard, it would be less of a hardship and less of a painful journal for Nyoka. He licked his mates cheek, before slipping away from her in preparation of helping Bugie lift, and to comfort his mate while she took the journey down to spring. It wouldn't be easy, as every move would likely cause some pain, but in the end, it would be better for the feline to be near the water.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:49 pm
"As long as you hold her head up so she doesn't fall to one side." Nodding his head as he acted swiftly after Nanashi told him what to do. Lowering herself and gently rubbing her head under her chest before lifting. Wary of her big belly. Letting his body raise. "Get her head!" He almost shouted as her body was about to head all on one side and falling off.


Nyoka sneered after being picked up. Usually Mana or someone she trusted did that. Like Nanashi. But this was the first that Bugie did so and even though she trusted him. It was a first which made her wobble a second before settling down and trying to stay still. "It just.. hurts a lot. Forgive me." Her voice was cracking and unusually tender.


After being secured in his step with her on him, he was visually shorter as he was weighed down and slowly stepped deeper in to the den where the spring was. The moment he went in to the curving tunnel.. it was just a short distance before they hit the spring. Closing in to the spring's edge before he abruptly stopped.


"I need to be in it. Please." A longing voice from above him, speaking in to the male's ear.


Bugie nodded and had to go inside the spring before slowly draping her in to the water. Once she was fully in, he slipped out and didn't shake it off. No. He waited til he was dismissed if that would happen. Slowly coming in to Nanashi's side and letting him fill in where Bugie was. He lowered his gaze at how the changes accorded inside both leaders faces. 'I'm going to be an uncle again.' He thought. Then softly smiled.. but then retained a calmer look.


'Nanashi' Her eyes spoke.. as she coiled in the water. A rare sight.. but she became calmer.. and blood started to swirl around her.Thank gawd that the spring filtered out through the rocks and new fresh water would always come in... Because this would be a blood pool.. A painful look on her face before her face looked rather pained and then a bubble came out. And a floop sounded.


Chi Sohma

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:41 pm
Nanashi had followed his brother, thankful for the male's strength. Nanashi might have been able to lift his mate when she was slender, but pregnancy added so much extra weight that it would have been impossible. He had ducked under Nyoka, lifting her head with his neck and shoulders, so it did not flop around while Bugie heaved her up onto his back.
"We've got you, my love," Nanashi whispered to his mate, lovingly as they took it slowly down towards the springs.

He helped Nyoka into the water with the Bugie's assistance, and slipped into the water beside Nyoka. "Thank you, brother," Nanashi said to Bugie, honest affection in his voice. Bugie had been a loyal brother to Nanashi for as long as he cared to remember, and it was times like these that he truly loved his family.

He didn't care that the blood was pooling in the water around him as he stood next to Nyoka, nuzzling her gently and trying to give her strength with his presence.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:15 pm
As soon as she touched the water, the weight felt easier to handle. The pain was still here but she didn't notice it AS much. She sighted a little as she pushed her stomach in. The reaction she had to the cramping before something felt like it escaped her.

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Was born, pale and slipped out of the water so easily floated to the top. The pale formed made Nyoka worry as she pulled the child close. Knowing for sure it was Nanashi's but... how would he know that? Being so pale?

"Our first born son.." She whispered so endearingly as she licked the top of his head... "Nanashi..he has your eyes.." She looked up with watery eyes- she was in love.. oh her heart poured out for the first time. This moment was what she had been waiting for, for so so long.. "Our first..." A smile crossed her face.. He looked so much like her mother. So pale and beautiful.. But she knew she had some more to go. The weight so lighter but still it was there.


His ears pulled back at the sight of a very very unnaturally pale cub. Lowering himself to the floor as if ready to be called upon at any moment to their aid. "...." He didn't know what to say. "I am here my brother, if you need me." Speaking so husky like but tenderly as he did. Devoting his whole self to his brothers.. and sister. 'I hope it's his....' he could only speak to himself. Not knowing when this female was telling the truth.. or when she was just using his brother. Recently, it seemed to be logical it would be his but you never knew. Not with this female.. Full of doubt that he wouldn't DARE tell his brother about. Every time he would speak something of such, he would get the protective side of his brother that he couldn't stand to be on the receiving end of.


Then the pain came about again. "Take him Nanashi.. Another is coming.." She sneered lightly and hissed as her face tossed to the other side as the pain surged throughout her body. She wanted it all to be over! But she was far far from it.


Chi Sohma

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:46 pm

Nanashi had been expecting the birth for a long while now, but to actually be with Nyoka as she helped bring their cubs into the world was rather overwhelming. He was careful to stay pressed at her side, trying to soothe her as much as he could with his presence.

The pale first born, however, was not what he had been expecting. For a moment, his heart clenched and it was all he could do not to growl - could it be...? But no, the youth's eyes flickered open as his mother cuddled him close and Nanashi was struck by his own eyes staring back at him.

He almost didn't hear his mate speak, but as he turned to glance at her, he could see the love in her gaze and he pushed aside his fear. He nuzzled her, careful not to bump the cub - though he was mostly trying not to touch...it. He knew Nyoka would not betray him but the lingering doubt was still there.

Hearing his brother, he cast his gaze to his brother, meeting Bugie's eyes. His own would convey his doubt - his worry - the fear, and he knew his brother would not betray his trust by exposing that worry to others.

Nyoka spoke again, and he hesitated, before gently grasping their first born. The infant squirmed but was too weak from birth to do much. He moved to the edge of the pool and passed it to Bugie. The cubs would not be able to stay afloat in the pool and would need to be kept warm on ground - Bugie could do this.

He cast one more look at his son - a son, a pale son - and returned to his mate, nuzzling her cheek lovingly. "I'm here, our son is safe," he told her gently, to reassure. He pushed aside his doubt for the moment, determined to be there for his mate when she needed him.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:10 am
'Our Son..' Those words seemed so touching for her, as if it would come to the realization of such.. Finally cubs of their own.

The pain was surging but lessened significantly when something felt like it was simply wiggling out of her. A pause before she turned down to her rump, watching it closely to pull the head if it came out... Looking to Nana then back before a blue head surfaced..

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Then a smirk came out, she couldn't handle the suppressed laugh before pulling the blue blob right in to her maw and started to clean almost immediately. But the other didn't even give her time to react as the pain went from her head down to her pelvis. Turning, maybe it was the 'to come' feeling. This one would be a headache, that's for sure. She was getting one even now as she was birthing him. The girl still in her arms she tried to at least clean before the pain was to great. "Nanashi.. Our first gir- Ahh~!" A pain again with a slight hiss. No, he DIDN'T want to come out but oh did it hurt him retaining his spot. Then the nauseous feeling came and she almost felt like fainting in a light sway.

But yet the sound of the soft yipp from the cubbling daughter echoed. The first couple of yips and chirps were almost so adorable that seemed to ease the pain some in distraction but that could possibly not be..


As he was called upon, he quickly took the cub in to his paws. Not judging the cub, he merely took it and started to clean as best as he could. Aiko had her cubs, and he learned quickly how to care for them, so now they had a semi experience Bugie to clean them. Nuzzling it as he turned him and licked all that he could before looking to see if anything was wrong with it. Once the inspection was over- he heard the faint urk of the boss lady which made his head shoot up. Ears open as he conveyed worry. He knew that his brother was unsure of the cub, even closely examining his face but he still expressed that the doubt is still a doubt, one could never be sure but only hoped for the best. Bugie was good about hoping for the best.

"Another?" He tried to seem surprised, he was but knew she was still far too bloated for merely one cub. Slowly he moved, wary of the other cub before helping himself over- "Let me clean this one.." He whispered as he plucked the child out of Nyoka's clutched before getting SWIPED at. With a hiss. Being protective, something she wasn't heard of doing with her first cubs. Growling and hissing before the child was slowly taken from her...


After the strike, it took long, a very long time in pain.. Hours went by.. but still in immense pain. Before another head came out.

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Wiggling and wiggling and the pain was increasing. It was like her body was fighting with him or the other way around as she tried pushing. It could have been what was hours before the child was fully out and her body quivered as she lowered her body on to her forepaws. Gasping for breath as she could even get up enough strength to pluck that one from under her tail... But like the mind of its own that it head, her tail curled around it and slowly slid it on to her belly at least the head so it could breath or be taken. "Nan- Take-" Her breathing went shallow as she felt her body sway. Filling with blood in phases before it being washed out by the ever cycling molds in the ceiling of the cave.

It would seem like she could take a rest now. Leaning her body towards her mate and taking a minor nap- in and out as her eyes hazed and feeling her energy soaked up.

Hours went by before she was poked against her lower region. Eyes flickered open, slicking as if she didn't know where she was.. and to be now feeling another. "...More?" She questioned softly to herself, worried and half asleep.


As the caregiver now for the cubs, he was only there for support and willing to tend to the cubs before he heard the boss lady stir. "Nanashi- she is waking again..." He spoke up to alert his brother, thinking that she was done giving birth to the beautiful three cubs she had already given to Nanashi and would possibly be more surprised if others were still to come.. Content and happily feeling filled as if they were his own cubs. Snuggling them and careful with them, his huge paws almost consuming them entirely.. So little. So playful with the mews and chirps. It was a very touching moment..


Chi Sohma

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:58 pm

Nanashi stayed beside Nyoka in the water, extremely thankful for his brother's presence in the spring den with them. He might have been able to manage on his own, but having Bugie there was a relief. When their first daughter was born, he couldn't help but smile. Oh, she looked of Nyoka, he thought, nuzzling his mate with the utmost love and soothing her as she attempted to strike Bugie for taking the cub to clean. He shot his brother an apologetic look, though he knew Bugie would understand Nyoka's protectiveness of the young girl – their daughter. And what a perfect little girl she was, he thought, with joy.

As the time passed with his mate in agony, Nanashi felt his heart ache with every shiver of pain that flowed through her. As the next cub was finally birthed, Nanashi grabbed it from the water and this time, he cleaned it himself, allowing Nyoka to lean against him and seek comfort from him. She had such strength, he mused lovingly, before carefully passing over the cleaned cub to Bugie, who would watch him with the others.

Nuzzling his mate as she rested, surprised to hear her softly speak after a while of silence – though he could not hear what she had said. Bugie alerted him to her waking, making him realise that it was not merely a sleeping murmur he had heard. “Yes, my love,” he said softly. “We're still here.” He lovingly nuzzled her, licking at her cheeks to soothe her while she gave life to their offspring.

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