The following is a list of all members that are in danger of being removed from membership in the guild due to lack of posting.


From now on, you will have two weeks to post. If a post is not seen within two weeks of your last, then you will find yourself on this list. Either the Captain or Vice Captain will notify you that you have been placed on this list, and you will then have one week to make an RP post.
If you don't make a post within one week, punishment will be:

(New punishment guidlines by TheChosenOne777)
To be temporarily demoted to NON-MEMBER for one week. This means that you will not be able to post ANYWHERE in TDC. Participating in games and posting in any other threads during this time is not allowed, and any such posts will be immediately deleted. I will send you a new guild invite after the week is up to offer you a second chance. But during this inactivity, you will be expected to prepare the post that got you suspended to begin with. After you are given an invite, we will give you one more week for you to confirm your return to TDC, and present your post. If, for any reason, you haven't managed to muster up a single post over the course of a month, you will be kicked for another two weeks. But after the second consecutive offense, we will not wait around for your return. During your absense, the crew+ will rp as your characters, and unless we are given instruction ahead of time on what you wish to have happen to them, we will make it up as we see fit. These posts may not be edited by the character's owner and will remain as canon. This punishment may seem a bit drastic. But the only way to have this actually carried out on you is by downright ignoring your responsibility to this guild for an entire month. If these offenses continue. We will suspect it is because you don't truly care to be a part of TDC anymore, and you will be kicked until you can manage to give us a good reason to let you back in. All of your characters will become killable NPC's, and we will abandon any future plans you may have had for them. Remember. You're here because you want to be a part of TDC. We're not here to wait on you.