Cappella, purring wildly, knocked her head affectionately to her sister's shoulder and leapt to her feet. Kirja was just as excited about this venture as she was! Excellent! She knew she could trust on her Sis to see the benefits this little travel out would bring! It would build them as individuals and maybe even give them newer and greater inspiration for the music that they so loved. And they could make a rhythm to tell the stories of their adventures so that they could be retold to future generations.

"She will, I'm sure. After all, the last time we went out was when we were young. It'll be a lot safer now that we're all grown up." She sighed romantically and took a few steps towards their home den, pausing to check that Kirja was following. "Let's go!"

Cappella broke into a run, the pace sending the instruments at her ankles into a frenzy. She broke into a laugh, throwing back her head to enjoy the sound of the music mingle with the wind in her ears. "This is going to be fantastic, Kirja! Just you wait and see!"
