The dry season was always the worst. All of the mud by Lake Victoria had dried up, leaving the dark earth cracked and dusty. Prey had been scarce for the past few days, the scouts having to travel far to find any traces of the herds. It was not yet so dry that the wildebeest were desperate enough to pass so near to a pride of lions just to get a drink. Even so, the presence of the lake was indeed fortunate. Any other group of lions would have to travel long distances in search of water at a time like this. But, unfortunately, the lake did come with some downsides.

A group of hippos had started to inch closer to the pride lands, as fearless as a herd of elephants. Nothing Kitambi had been able to do had been able to convince them to stay away for long. While she wouldn't have minded their continued presence, she feared for the health of the pride's cubs should they stray too close to the water's edge. The lioness was watching the shores now, sitting close enough that she could feel the small tide just gently wash over her toes. No more than ten feet away floated the hippos, watching her with the same intensity she was watching them. It was a stand off if anyone had ever witnessed one.

The normally excited jumpy and energetic lioness was not any of those at the moment. She found herself conserving the energy that she had to be able to go about and help with the cubs later on that day. She was really, really not enjoying this whole 'dry spell thing' that was for sure. She wanted to wander around and play but she knew she couldn't.

Even though she had grew out of her lanky legs and fit into them much better, she was older and a little more wiser that was for sure, but she still enjoyed simple things such as playing and having a good time. She loved all of the times where she got to take care of the cubs and have adventures with them because they were also full of energy and playfulness, they could keep up with her adventures. But now everyone was having more of a fun time laying outin the shade, thats all she wanted to do.

But there were times where she had to do something and today she managed to end up having to chase after what had to be one of the most energtic cubs in the pride. And she was glad to finally be finished for today. And she thought it was about time that she wandered away and got to the watering hole. She knewit would be nice, very very nice. Water was beautifl.

She approached the water panting slightly, she was so tired and the heat was a lot ont he dark part of her coat. it was too much for the day. She paused for a moment, smiling as she saw Kitambi at the edge of the water. she wandered up and lapped up some of the water before sitting next to the lioness with a smile on her face.


The sound of someone panting made Kitambi's ears flick backwards, not wanting to take her eyes off of the hippos but not wanting to ignore the newcomer. (Ignoring others was, after all, quite rude, and she had always strived to be as polite as possible). Luckily for her, the lioness didn't stay behind her for long. The soft footsteps got closer and closer until she was passed completely, the lioness walking past her to drink from the lake. For a moment Kitambi could have sworn that she saw a hippo turn to swim in their direction but it seemed the creature was just changing positions. Trying to keep the scowl off her face, the pride queen turned her attention back to the lioness.

"The same to you. Have you been fairing well in this heat?" With such a dark coat Kitambi could only manage to stay out in the sun for so long before she felt like she was boiling alive. The added coolness of the water was enough to allow her to stay out a little longer than usual, not to mention she was willing to experience some discomfort in the protection of her pride.

She smiled softly keeping an eye out of the hippos too. They were such interesting creatures. She had heard a few times they were kind of friendly but at the same time she had heard they had a big temper. She didn't blame the lioness for wanting to protect the pride from these creatures. She knew some one getting hurt wouldn't be that great of a thing, not great at all, she didn't like the idea of them invading the pride.

She paused before she smiled brightly nodding toward the lioness. I'm not doing that bad, pretty good actually." she nodded once more before laying down on her bellly next to the lioness, she really, really enjoyed company and she knew that Kitambi was good company the times that she ran into the other lioness and talked to her.

"You know, if you ever want some help down here," she started off looking at the lioness, a smile was still on her face, she was in a really good mood today despite the heat. "I the heat isn't that bad if I lay on my back" She giggled for a moment and nodded at the idea she thought it was kind of funny. "Are they keeping to themselves?" She questioned as she motioned toward the hippos.

Kitambi's lips twitched, the phantom of a smile appearing on his face. The lioness seemed so happy, so carefree. It reminded her of her own daughter, Nantale, who was so free with her emotions that it bordered on carless. Of course, she couldn't expect her cub to be just like her, emotionally stunted in order to protect herself. But it had still been quite unusual, not to mention difficult, to raise a daughter who was more like her sister than she was like her mother. Even so, she had learned, and it had brought her a surprising amount of peace. It certainly made talking to other lionesses, like this one, much easier.

"Help?" She repeated, tilting her head at the offer. "I am not sure what help I require but your company would not be adverse." Kitambi turned her attention back to the hippos, which seemed to be content feeding where they were. "And they appear to be. I believe they've been creeping closer and closer with each passing day though. It doesn't help that the water in the lake drops down lower in the dry season. But I suppose we will have to simply stand our ground until they decide to come ashore. You'll make sure to tell your mother to instruct the cubs not to get too close to the water without supervision, won't you?"

Kirja thought for a moment she wasn't exactly sure what kind of help she was offering when she thought about it. She had to figure out exactly what she meant. "If you ever need a break really." She offered in a friendly tone, flicking her tail around behind her as she thought a little more then spoke up again. "Well. It doesn't surprise me, you never know i heard even though they are big they are sneaky things." She chuckled quietly at the idea, it was a surprising idea that such a big creature could be so sneaky. She wasn't exactly sure how true that was but with the way the lioness was talking and from what she had heard before it had to be true!

She then paused and looked at the lioness again before chuckling quietly and then nodding again. "Of course I'll tell her." She'd probably make sure the other girls knew too she had plenty of sisters that also heped watch the cubs, one ofher brothers did too, she wanted to make sure that the cubs were safe and she knew the others felt the same way about these things she loved the cubs. She giggled then pawed at the lioness.

"Don't worry." She chuckled for a moment before flicking her tail behind her again. "My mom used to worry a lot, about a lot of things, It isn't very good for you."

"Ah. Well," the lioness paused a moment to stretch before resettling back into her sit, tail curled around her leg, "I will keep your offer in mind then. Thank you, Kirja." A rest would be welcome on some of the hotter days when she would have given almost anything to get out of the sun. Perhaps she should see about getting the baboons to build a small shelter next to the lake. It wasn't good for anybody to spend long hours out here unsheltered, even a young lioness like Kirja.

Kitambi couldn't help but chuckle softly at the other lioness' description of hippos. It was surprisingly accurate, at least as far as she had seen anyways. They could have tried to rampage up onto the beach and had a full fight with the large pride of lions. Certainly it would have been a long and bloody war, in which many lives would be lost. Instead, however, they just tested the limits of their boundaries, waiting for the lions to make the first move. But so long as they were out in the water, the felines were at a disadvantage. Both Kitambi and the hippos seemed to know this, which was why they were at such a standstill.

She blinked when Kirja pawed at her, flicking her ears. "Mm. I am not really worried just… waiting. I am unsure of how the tide will turn. I wish we had some way of communicating with them though."

"Ah. Well," the lioness paused a moment to stretch before resettling back into her sit, tail curled around her leg, "I will keep your offer in mind then. Thank you, Kirja." A rest would be welcome on some of the hotter days when she would have given almost anything to get out of the sun. Perhaps she should see about getting the baboons to build a small shelter next to the lake. It wasn't good for anybody to spend long hours out here unsheltered, even a young lioness like Kirja.

Kitambi couldn't help but chuckle softly at the other lioness' description of hippos. It was surprisingly accurate, at least as far as she had seen anyways. They could have tried to rampage up onto the beach and had a full fight with the large pride of lions. Certainly it would have been a long and bloody war, in which many lives would be lost. Instead, however, they just tested the limits of their boundaries, waiting for the lions to make the first move. But so long as they were out in the water, the felines were at a disadvantage. Both Kitambi and the hippos seemed to know this, which was why they were at such a standstill.

She blinked when Kirja pawed at her, flicking her ears. "Mm. I am not really worried just… waiting. I am unsure of how the tide will turn. I wish we had some way of communicating with them though."

Kijra nodded at the idea. "Just thought I'd offer my services.I feel like I always have energy and I figured I might as weel use it up some how." She grinned and then flicked her hair out of her eyes again before stretching herself out just a little more getting comfortable before she spoke again. "That would be a good idea." se grinned at the idea. "those guys are really crafty."

She eye the hippos, there was a cute one, just one, he looked younger. You could really just barely see him through the group of the other hippos. "I think they can be some what reasonable." She directed her pawt toward the middle before speaking again. "they have a little one too. I think they know to be some what careful." She giggled some, a happy sort of laugh, It was true though. A mother would know not to hurt another mother's children. That was a pretty general thing. Maybe she was just that cheery to think something like that but at the same time she wasn't that sure.

She shrugged it off again before smiling and nodding at her. "Ah, that makes more sense." She laughed some before wiggling her toes some more in the water enjoying the feeling of the water. "I think everything willl be okay."

"I can only hope so," Kitambi murmured, still eying the hippos. Young hippos or no young hippos she wasn't entirely convinced that the larger mammals didn't mean them any harm. Her mother had once told her a story about a hippo brave enough to take on an entire pride of lions. While Nandeli had always had a tendency to over-embellish stories, she was sure that there was a small grain of truth in that one. Hippos were not something to be taken lightly; the fact that her mother was willing to talk about them with some semblance of seriousness was proof of that.

Still, she would have liked to at least negotiate some terms with them. So long as they didn't harm the cubs she was content to let them do as they please. The Nchi'mahadhi were not so starved that they needed to consider eating the water mammals and their young. "The water hasn't gone down nearly as much as it did last dry season," the dark brown lioness said in what she hoped was a conversational tone. "I'm hoping that means the wildebeest herd will still come down here within the next few weeks. Have you gone out on any of the scouting trips with Binafsi?"

Kirja looked at the lioness then back out in front of her, she knew that at times they could be dangerous but Kirja liked to think in a positive way she didn't like to think something was going to happen but yet at the same time she liked to be prepared just in case something was going to happen. But at the moment she was thinking nicely. She was spacing out with her ideas imagining maybe riding on one of the hippo's backs that would be very interesting, but she snapped out of it as the other lioness talked and she couldn't help but to grin.

"Yeah my mom said that it was much worse last time." She nodded again, she was young then, she remembered things here and there but she didn't remember all of it that was for sure, but she knew that his mother remembered. She then flicked her hair out of her eyes and then nodded. "Yep! I don't think we saw anything big..." Her train of though was slowly coming back into place before she nodded brightly. "Thats right! We did see some wildebeest tracks, they were pretty fresh and they seemed to be lingering around the pride we're not too sure where they went to but it looks like they were considering it."

Optimism was, sadly, something that Kitambi had quickly grown out of. While she would never consider herself a pessimist, she was very sure that she was a realist, and thus didn't have time for always seeing the good in things. After all, her own sister had given up on her despite their blood bond and had never once paused to think that maybe, just maybe, the darker lioness was on her side. Nsundu had never tried to repair those fragile sisterly bonds, which was why it was really no surprise when they snapped. Though Kitambi had come to understand Waseme's point of view a little better, it was doubtful the pair would ever be able to truly reconcile. She's lost a lot of her child-like innocence growing up, but she was a little glad that others in the pride managed to retain it. Kirja was not any less for her optimism, after all.

The pride queen nodded as the younger lioness spoke of fresh tracks, pleased to hear the news. "That is very good then. I was worried that the dry season would keep the prey too far from here. We've grown in numbers since I was a cub and our presence here may be keeping the prey away from such an obvious water source. Or so I thought, anyways, but they do not appear to be substantially deterred." Perhaps it was time to organize a hunt. She would speak with Binafsi when she could. "Did you find anything else on your travels?"

Kirja flicked her tail around idly as she thought and heard the lioness speak. She was still young and she wasn't aware of how many members there was at one point, all she really knew of was the some what large population that she had always known. She was born into a farily large litter herself and not only that but her brother had a large litter just a little before Kirja was born herself. Then there was also others cubs around.

"It doesn't seem like they could be too far," she noted with a nod. She knew that if they went on a hunt that it would make her a very happy camper. She was young and she still loved having adventure and she still loved wandering around and having a good time. Group hunts made her more excited then anything else. "I'm not sure..." She thought out loud before looking up at the sky before grinning. "I found some materials for the drums." She giggled as she nodded before flicking her hair out of her eyes. "And I found some really pretty things to decorate them with. I thought the cubs would enjoy that.

"Oh?" The dark lioness's ears perked at the mention of materials for the drums. Ever since the son of the original Monkey's Uncle had returned drum making had gotten quite a bit more interesting for the pride. The addition of thumbs, for one, helped them make sturdier drums, and largely increased the materials they could use. Though the baboons weren't always willing to give up their own treasures, they seemed not to mind helping cubs find treasures of their own. They were quite a blessing to the pride, even if she hadn't thought of them as that before.

Returning her thoughts to the lioness, Kitambi said, "Oh I'm sure they will. Choosing the items that you want to decorate your drum is a big step. There are quite a lot of cubs that are almost ready to take the next step and go on their drum quest. The more materials we have for them the better! What sorts of things did you find?"

Kirja nodded before smiling slightly. "I gave them to my mom, she some times gives them some to give them ideas of what to make and she was running low, I also shared them with the baboons." She nodded at the idea.

She then paused again thinking about what she got, her mind was a busy thing but she tended on remembering things like that jut because she enjoyed remembering those things. "I have a bunch of really pretty stones, and also some flexible sticks. Binafsi sent me into a small dense jungle like area, I brought a pouch with me too and when I stumbled across them I made sure to grab them. I did take a few of the pretty rocks for myself..." Her voice trailed for a moment before she sat up on her haunches quickly. "Oh my! I have to go for a littlle."

She was about to turn around before she paused and laughed at herself looking at the lioness and shaking her head. "I'm sorry that was rude." She giggled before nodding to the lioness. "I promised my mom to go scouting for some materials with her." She laughed before standing up "I'll make sure to come back."

"A good decision," Kitambi agreed when Kirja admitted that she'd given some of her trinkets to the baboons. Keeping the little tribe happy was fairly high on her priority list, after all, and giving them gifts was always a good way to stay on their good side. She had a feeling that whatever the younger lioness had picked up it would definitely be useful to them. If she was anything like her mother she had a good eye for little objects like that.

She listened patiently as Kirja recalled the items she had collected, starting with the usual stones and ending with some interesting, flexible sticks. While one could always find pretty pebbles on the banks of Lake Victoria, often times the nearby rivers had their own collections of interesting rocks, washed down from other parts of the continent. It would certainly be useful to have more of those, at any rate.

The pride queen's ears flicked when Kirja sat up suddenly, fearing that one of the hippos had moved when she wasn't paying attention, but it seemed that she had merely forgotten a prior engagement. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips and Kitambi tipped her head. "There is no rush. You go with your mother. I'll probably still be here when you're finished. If you see Nantale on your way back would you send her over?"

Kirja nodded and giggled some before flicking her hair out of her eyes. "I thought it would be, they were pretty happy." She thought back to it, they were pretty nice, she always enjoyed their company, she wasn't too sure why, she liked having them around it was always very interesting company.

Kirja nodded at the lioness grinning ear to it. "I'm sure it won't take too long but I'll make sure to come back around and check things At least offer some help. I have plenty of engery." She giggled before flicking her tail around once last time before nodding.

"I sure will!" She laughed before turning around and then starting to trot again. "See you around!"