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It wasn't hard at all to know who Rynskald's father was. Just looking at him, he was basically a green and white version of his father. Though, he had less spots, that was true. As well as he wasn't nearly as smart as his father either. Though, to him, that didn't matter. He walked the earth as if he was the king of the pride, even though he wasn't and never would be. His father pretty much cast him aside due to the fact that his mother and half of his siblings ran off. That didn't stop Rynskald from trying to be the best, and just like the king.

He strutted around with confidence, doing his daily walk around the pride. One day, he would run this. Even though, deep down, he knew that wasn't true. He could hope, he could pretend, he had dreams... That was all they were, foolish dreams of power. He hadn't been successful with seducing a female yet, nor had he really been in any huge fights except with his brothers that had left. He had beat them up all through until they had left. That was good enough for him, for the moment. Though, now that he was getting older, he needed to be more like Thona... He longed for it... He lusted for it.

He had to start somewhere... Today, he would try his skills from watching Thona, stalking him from afar, on someone in the pride. A helpless female, or rather any female. No female in this pride was helpless, except for Nan. But he wasn't allowed to do anything to her, he'd get murdered if he tried. Plus, to him, she was like his mother more then the female who gave birth to him. No matter. Today he'd find someone to mess with, and hopefully seduce.. Even though the chances were low for him. He wasn't very smooth.