Appearance: This vary young half-dragon looks just like his Chaos dragon ancesters. His face takes is barealy huminoid looking. Off his cheeks and back of his head are all scailed spines. Flowing between the custom holes his his 3 sizes too big for him full plate. The helmet keeps falling over his eyes and the gauntlet on his left hand is far to big. The armor made of well polished enchanted Mithril lined with Onix and Platinum. Fit for only a dragons build however. He bares a sword on his hip with a wooden hilt. His small wings show his scales true colors. Platinum lined greens reds blues and black. All vary random and over time seem to shift around to new areas. His clawed gauntlets only come to the tip of his claws. This this shows of his natural claws. It makes the large silver holy symbol in the palm of the larger claw of the left hand stand out a lot. Under the helmet that doesn't fit him quite right are glowing gold reptilian eyes, and a huge smile. His young face doesn't match any part of the armor or gear he wares. From his helmet dangles a small dragon fang on a string that seams to glow faintly if he starts to get scared or jumpy. His arms and legs, well the parts seen are all mismatched colors mixed in his scales.

(In sprawled messy letters at the top of the page)
Monster hunters!

(The hand writing is vary messy and bunched together.)
I don't know why daddy wanted me to start writing this but i will for him. Today we started our training and daddy was tough he told me about how he killed his first necro-thingy today. I still don't know what that means I just know he smelled like bad meat when he got home. He is still telling me stories about Ba-Hammit today. I like our strong god. He watches all the good dragons hes great. He makes daddy strong, daddy said he makes me strong too. I don't know yet maby.

(After 3 or 4 pages of scribbles and drawings)
Today daddy gave me a new sword its made of wood so i have to be careful with it. He is showing me how to use it tomorrow it will be fun. I love daddy teaching me how to beat up the bad monsters. He even showed me how to use Ba-Hammits powers to heal my boo boos and my friends.

(Some pages appear to be ripped out)
Today a dead thing came to attack me and mommy. I used Ba-hammits power to turn him into dust all by myself I feel so good about protecting mommy. I just wish mommy would tell me when daddy will be home.
(Some thing burned the rest of the page.)
So mommy told me if i am going to sneeze not to do it close to anything burnable. Today daddy came home but something was wrong. I could tell he looked sad and after he and mommy talked they both looked sad. I want them to tell me what happed. They want me to sleep with them to night. Today might be good after all.

(It looked like some pages had been cut from the book)
Today I woke up in a temple with other dragons in it. Mommy and Daddy are missing. The nice people hear say they had to go see Ba-Hammit and i will see them when i get older. They said i can stay hear and train until i see them again I just have to follow the word of Ba-Hammit.

(In neat clean styleised writing on the bottem of the page.)
He who is Platinum and Strong shall watch over all matter of dragon. Young and old, Blue and Red. All who trust in his word shall know his grace. -The Hope

(After a small gap and in Sparks' handwriteing)
I did't write this who wrote in my book. I like it tho it sounds like something my dad told me once.

(More sketches and drawings fill the next page)
(The hand writing is spaced out more properly)
The nice men hear are teaching me how to read Ba-hammit's language. Its hard and confusing its so different then our dragon language that daddy showed me. Its showing me how to write a little better too.

(He poorly sketched what looks like Bahamut's Holy symbol.)
I am learning today from one of the nice ladies how to make my own teddy bear. Today is a lot better then when i have guy teachers. I like girl teachers, they make me do easy stuff. He has a braided string marking this page.

(A fue pages that look to be filled with the dragonic alphabet)
Today we learned how to fight with a really cool power. I breathed lighting. It was amazing every one was scared when I tried. Then they said thats all I could do today and i laughed at them. I did it again and the second time it was fire. Every one was scared of me even the teacher. They are taking me to see an elder tomorrow. I think they see how strong i am.

(He stitched into the page his name in black blue and silver string.)
The elders gave me my daddy's armer back today it still doesn't fit. I am hopeing soon it will but i can still wear it the way daddy showed me. They said i am going into tests right away to see what i can do. We when out to see an old lady from the swamp. She made monsters come out of the ground. It was like when they came and attacked me and mommy. I was so scared I didn't know what to do. I just ran behind a tree and tried to hide. The lady made them go away. The elders looked confused and took me back to the temple. They sent me back to my normal studies but they gave me my wooden sword back too. So now i can carry it as a warrior of Ba-hammit.

(A page is torn up and peaces are stitched back together all mixed up but it looks like its still all there.)
Today the elders came to see how i was doing training and i already am past everything they can teach me using my powers. I have to learn new ones. The elders say i need to go out into the world and find someone to protect and earn my stars to Ba-hammit. I have to go out and do good things! I am a real monster hunter now! They gave me lots of stuff to take on my journey too its amazing. They are taking me to a town tomorrow and I'm off to see the world and maby make some friends.

(The letters become dark and pressed hard into the page)
The smell of blood the rush of power. Know your limits and push yourself past them. In yourself lies the strongest power in the world. Don't let anything ever stop you. You are strong and proud. -The Beast

(The writing returns to normal.)
It happened again but this time its different. Its not pretty its kinda scary.