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Age: 25

Sex: Male

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 152

Build: Lanky, Skinny, Sharp hip bones, and thin enough in the torso that you can trace out his ribcage. The type of body that could seemingly slip away into the shadows and between the cracks if he turned sideways. Long legs, arms, and a soft face that is almost meek looking. There's a lot of grace and power in that body though, that Triton purposely hides. And despite his thinness, he is constantly eating, as much as he can and as often as he can. He has a malicious metabolism that eats away at whatever calories he packs on.

Race: Human

Pets: N/A

Profession: Melee

Bio: Triton's life has always been a gamble, having consecutively had it all and lost it all more times then he cares to remember.

Born out in the human capital of Hetal, Triton grew up loving the cool forests and vast markets. Just him, his beautiful less then brilliant mother, three older sisters, and troubled father. His father was an esteemed human scholar who had once been a very wealthy, and very weak human, whose strength lay in books and knowledge rather then the sword or any kind of magic. His mother a simple human with vibrant eyes and a sweet wife-ish personality who had caught his fathers eye. When he married her he married into an unknown debt. And not long after their first child was born, found sharks knocking at their door, demanding payment or the woman he'd chosen as his bride. Of course he paid, continued to pay, and eventually found himself borrowing simply so he could keep up.

It was not long until Triton's father up and moved them far away from the city of Vanya that he had since birth called his home. Dragging his wife and their, now two, daughters across the land to Hetal where they finally settled down. They were happy for quite some time, managing to escape the sharks that had hounded them and keep what little money they'd managed to safe. The father missed his wealth though, and not being a man of any particular trade or ware, sought to regain his fortune through gambling and bets. Despite all his brilliance, he was rather bad at it.. Cards, races, games, he lost it all time and again, always returning with fevered hope of regaining what he'd lost and then some. Only managing to plunge them into debt once more.

His family was sadly, quite poor, the three siblings he did have were older and all female. His sisters more precious to his parents then he was because; while they were all beautiful. His sisters could be put into arranged marriages that his family would earn an exceptional dowry from, when it came time to have them wed off. While it seemed he could do no more then be a cute nuisance, useless, young, and draining of the few funds they possessed.

And so, they sold him off to the first trader passing through who offered the highest price.

Triton played many roles as he grew up, from half starved servant, to well fed young guard. Saw many places, and more then a few he wished he'd not seen at all. Despite his circumstances, he grew up quite stable, mentally and physically. Open minded, tired and worn, but healthy and alive. Triton had the one flaw of following in his fathers footsteps whenever the chance came about. He had a tendency to gamble or drink away what he earned. He was always on the look out for the next great treasure, even chasing across the world after a few, only to find that someone else had beaten him to it.

He was even married for a time, to a vibrant Arthorian woman, whom he had a son with. Then out of nowhere, he up and vanished, leaving them everything he had, but otherwise abandoning them. Without a word as to where he was going or when he'd return. Maybe because he thought they'd be better without him, and didn't want to go repeating history. Or maybe he'd found his next treasure to chase, and knew that if he was going to leave, he would at least leave them with something to live off.

Descriptive Stats:

Hair Color/ Style: Chestnut-Darkbrown, Insanely-long, often worn down, or in a loose braid, or ponytail. Very soft, he takes a lot of pride in it. Also a little bit of a goatee, that is a few shades darker then his hair.
Eye Color: Vibrant sky blue
Skin Color: Brown, Dark
Clothing: Long black pants, A large warm, dark chocolate colored, overcoat with lengthy sleeves. The cuffs often falling over his wrists and partially covering his hands. His garments are fitting in places, and loose in others, hanging off of his frame and looking almost baggy. He also wears a pair of black gloves over his hands, for warmth as much as to hide them. He wears them like a person who is very much trying to downplay his size and existence, wanting to blend in with the crowd and his surroundings rather then stand out.
Weapons: A pair of Katana strapped to his back, sheathed in black scabbards.

Possesions: He's got himself a satchel hidden under that coat, a small one that he keeps some of his own personal moment's. And of course a bottle often filled an unknown liquid, but presumably its alcohol.


-Spells: Level One Melee Fighter-

-Weapon Specialty Sword, - Pair of Katanas
-Clean Sweep - “Tiszta Sepregetés”
Technique that can cut through wood like butter.

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