Notice: This is a totally new... thing. Therefore, updates will come (eventually) to make this look tiddy.

Link to Thread- STATUS: Closed ~ In Memorable Threads. heart

Who: Hosted by Gaia's [ Hiroko ] and Renaela.
What: Gaian Spirit Week, Giveaway, Contests, and a BIGBAGOFFUN. Yey.
When: Present to February 18. Spirit Week from February 13 to February 17.
Where: In this thread. An additional (optional) guestbook linked in the "user quilt" post.
Why: Because the administrators, programers, and the entire staff work REALLY hard to keep this place working, and so many people just complain. We know there are many defenders of staff members, but this is kinda one... BIG thing to sum it all up. Or at least that's what we're hoping for.