March 14th is a special Japanese holiday called "White Day". This holiday takes place exactly one month after Valentine's Day, and it is a chance for boys to return the favour.

As many of you already know, on Valentine's Day, girls give chocolate to boys. It's just what they do there. Now, there are two types of chocolate that the girls give out - honmeichoko and girichoko. Honmeichoko is, as the name suggests, usually handmade and it is given to someone who you have romantic feelings for. Girichoko, on the other hand, literally means "obligation chocolate", and it is given to people that you are just being nice to: male platonic friends, coworkers, family members, etc.

On White Day, every boy that received chocolate on Valentine's Day (no matter what kind), MUST reciprocate by giving the girl a gift. This gift should be more expensive or elaborate than the gift that the boy received, but it does not have to be the same type of gift. So if you're a girl, you could give honmeichoko to the object of your affections and receive girichoko in return... ouch.

Of course, white chocolate isn't the only type of present that girls receive on White Day. Other popular gifts include candy, marshmallows, white lingerie, or jewelry, but the more expensive items are usually given to girls by their steady boyfriends.

So guys... what will you be getting your girl for White Day?