Okay, so for our annual spring musical, our school will be putting on a production of "Seussical, the Musical."
i was cast as an extra (a jungle animal, then later a fish). So, i get to choose what jungle animal i will be. ^-^
And i've decided to go with a squirrel.
Today, we were trying to figure out costumes, and the cast wanted to make me a gangster squirrel. o.0
Then one dude shouted out "Azn squirrel!!!"
(i'm sorta-kindaish known as the Azn, Chinese fanatic...hahaha).
so, naturally i wz like YES! &our director said that i could be the Azn squirrel, with the cute little Azn shirt.
Anyway, i'm gonna be an Azn squirrel!! rofl

What do you guys think?