Sorry for being ultra inactive for the past while.

I've been dealing with College things and it's surprisingly taking up a lot of time----who knew running around and paperwork BEFORE entering a college was so much of a hassle?

Anyways as an added bonus in life I was recently blown away by the aftermath of the Tsunami/Earthquake in Japan. Now this absolutely made me APESHIT crazy. Why? Because I had to deal with family and friends who were in the Chinese earthquake/landslide and then Australia's recent earthquake. So I had even more free time devoted to keeping in contact with my peoples.

It doesn't help that every time I gain more free time---it immediately gets stolen ( ;´Д`)

I was able to place my Grandfather into a nice old home that would care for him for about 11 hours----which is fantastic because that is 11 hours I now have, but like I said with this whole new situation popping up I've been up to my neck in things.

I've not been online in a while...except my DA and facebook and Twitter(the latter two for communication purposes), but I promise I'll be on once this whole thing clears up---I promise! D;