So all this started because you said things like "I started at a site called which had a lot of high magic and complicated stuff, which I tried somewhat."

I followed the link and read over it for a little bit until I realized I'd seen it before, and at the time my friends on Gaia and IRL thought it was pretty bad. I even explained why i thought it was bad.
You insisted " It is good for some things, but it lacks explanation on the exercises and such."

How is that not insisting it's a good site for some things?
And I didn't jump to conclusions, instead I asked "What parts do you think are good?"
I wanted to know- so that if I was missing something, you could show me. But you ignored me. cat_stare So I'm more than a little pissed off with this situation. I didn't jump to conclusions, I asked questions and I explained my positions and this is what is handed back in response, even if it wasn't directed at me:
Ritual at Dusk

I understand that a lot of it is useless and pathetic rantings and such, I was just saying that there was some good info on there and the reason I don't recall the pages were because I got the info years ago. And I don't expect you to go looking through it, I got that you don't like the damn site, congratulations, neither do I, I just recognized that a few things helped me on there, like at least leading me in a direction to find better info and giving me topics to research and such and more. The thing I hate about these guilds is how you say one little thing that somebody doesn't believe in and everybody jumps on you like the world is going to end if their opinion isn't listed. People in the paganism guilds seem to just be really uptight and unpleasant, like they have no room for anything but the absolute most correct thing, which is funny considering how much of paganism follows little rule.

If you don't remember the pages, maybe you could take a moment to look for them?

This was unpleasant, but for a different reason.