Brefin Veerja (Bref-hin Veer-Jah)

Physical Description:
Brefin has an olive colored skin much like an Indian. He stands at 6'0, and constantly stands up straight. His eyes are brown, and he has a small nose and mouth. His hair is a dark brown and flows down to his shoulders. His shinigami attire is extremely well kept, and stays that way. He wears extremely ornate jewelry, including ruby earings, ruby/gold bracelets, and even ankle bracelets. On his neck, he has tattoos running up towards his ears. The tattoos are simple swirls.

He died. 9 Thermidor Year II (27 July 1794) He is currently 273 years old.

Description of Zanpakuto(Not Achieved):
His zanpakuto is a relatively normal ninjato. It doesn't have a guard. It is long and black, and that is all.

Zanpakuto Spirit's name (Shikai name)
Majesté Bruit (Noise Majesty)

Description of Zanpakuto Spirit:
Majesté Bruit does not have a constant form, and is more of an amorphous being. It is a green transparent mist that floats across landscapes, slowly becoming more and less opaque.

Shikai release phrase, in English if you please.
Release your waves of sound, Majesté Bruit!

Shikai: (A description of your character's Shikai abilities) Not Achieved
When he utters the release phrase, he brings his hands to his mouth, and waves of sound become visible as he speaks. They start to swirl around until they form two silver scimitars in his hand.

By placing them both in the ground, he becomes something of an amplifier, except the sound is a bit more deadly. The sound is released in spheres of white energy that break the sound barrier. If it hits, it only does a bit of damage, but the true harm is in the sound. It acts a lot like a flashbang. It was deafen and blind you, but only temporarily. It takes up quite a bit of reaitsu.

His swords also enhance his speed after the sphere makes contact.

[Needs suggestions]

He has a very keen ear and can hear quite well. He also has the odd ability to block out all sound when necessary.


He acts like an arragont rich man, though he really isn't that important. He constantly seems to think that he is better than everyone else.

Brefin was born in an odd place at a dangerous time. He was born just as the french revolution was starting, and being an Indian boy, many refused to take him in. In fact, he wasn't ever really taken in. He was to be a slave to the King and do extremely menial chores. One of his happiest moments was when the king was killed.

It was saddening when he found that he would still be a slave, and to an even angrier man, that being Robespierre. It was on the day that Robespierre died that he died, when Robespierre was thrown into an angry fit.

Now, after his death, he is a simple shinigami, though he hasn't even gained a zanpakuto. He doesn't do much training though, as his arrogance prevents it.
Signature/Patented Technique:
None as of yet

Seat: None as of yet