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[ jrp ] Here comes the sun. [ Mauja x Ihsan ]

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Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:15 pm
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Mauja'gonjwa rolled to his feet sleepily, dragging himself out of the den on two paws before collapsing in a sunny spot on the ground outside. He always felt so sluggish in the morning and today was no different. Letting the sun's warmth seep into his fur and gently warm his small body, he briefly let his stormy grey eyes close. For those few brief seconds, in the morning silence before the full of the pride was awake, all was quiet and all was peaceful. He could pretend that everything was alright. That there were no sick or dying lions just a few dens away. For a few brief seconds, before the illusion was shattered by the soft scrambling of reptilian feet against the sand.

Opening a single lazy eye, Mauja found a lizard had decided to take advantage of the suns warmth as well, perching on a small rock a few paces away. Seeing that it was out of reach, the young leopard decided to let it share his sun and returned to his peaceful basking. It was hard, lving in this pride of illness and death. It was especially hard knowing that he was safe from the disease when his adopted lion siblings were not. If they were to get sick... Or even worse, die... Mauja didn't let his mind finish the thought, sitting up abruptly.

His dark grey eyes flashed angrily. He didn't know what he'd do. The lion cubs that his mother had picked up outside the pride were as much his siblings as those blood related to him. Continuing to worry about this frightening future, Mauja stared off towards the horizon.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:57 am
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Bright, lively orange eyes flicked from one corner of the den to the next. How long had she been awake now? There was no real way to tell, but the little cub didn't seem to mind it. Sleeping scared her. At least...ever since then. She woke up in the middle of the night thanks to one of those, and refused to go back to sleep. Currently, she was lying on her back with her eyes to the ceiling. Bored. Waiting. And just a little afraid of the dark. Only a little.

Finally, when she could see a bit of sunlight beyond the mouth of the den, she rolled onto her side and watched her brothers and sisters - both blood and adoptive - sleep contentedly. Peacefully. Isi blinked a few times, a small frown on her maw. Why couldn't she sleep like they did? She closed her eyes and thought about this for a little while, hoping that they wouldn't bother her since she only had her eyes closed.

The sound of someone leaving the den broke her train of thought though, so she opened her eyes and slowly got to her feet. Quietly she counted the bodies that were still on the floor, snoring or sleeping soundly, and noticed that one was indeed missing. What was his name again? She heard it when the leopardess who she now called "mother" picked her and her siblings up just outside of the pride.

Maja... Mua ... Monja? she thought to herself as she made her way out. She caught sight of the other cub just a little way's away, lying flat on a rock sunbathing. With that small frown having been replaced by an inkling of a smile, the white cub made her way over. "Good morning," she greeted, taking a seat some feet away.

its_ p a o

Witty Punching Bag


Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:44 pm
Hearing the soft footsteps of another cub leaving the den, Mauja lifted his head off the ground to see who else had woken. It was one of the lion cubs. A pang went through him as he watched her approach. He hoped with every inch of body that his siblings would be immune. Though he knew the chances of that were so slim. Dark eyes regarded the pretty white lion with curious speculation.

She looked far more tired than he did. Not that he blamed her. The transition to life within the cursed pride from the outside world was a difficult one. Feeling smothered by the sick and dying... "Good morning." Her kind greeting brought his mind back to the present. " Morning! " He responded with a grin.

Rolling onto his belly, he stretched out his front paws away from his body, with his chest to the ground and rear end up in the air, sinking his pin p***k claws into the earth. Oh, that felt good. Sitting up, he turned back to face the other cub. " You're Ishan, right?" He would get their names down eventually. "Howd you sleep?" He figured he might as well ask.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:45 am
She raised a brow at his rather perky greeting, though her smile widened just a tiny bit. It was always good to be surrounded by someone who'll brighten the atmosphere as opposed to someone who'll dampen it."Ihsan," she corrected, "Just Isi is fine though, and I slept okay I guess." He wouldn't be able to tell that she was lying anyway; she didn't want anyone worrying about her, least of all another cub her age.

There was a bit of silence as Isi tried to figure out exactly what this cub's name was. Moa... Muja.. Muu? She went through a list of names in her head, practically forgetting that the cub whose name she was trying to remember was lying down right in front of it. "And yo~u're..." she started, though she was still thinking. "Ma..u........"

Isi blinked a couple times, her eyes eventually focusing on the leopard cub once she came to. It came to her just then, the last syllable of his name. "...ja. Mauja. Right?" she asked slowly, brows furrowed in hopes that she got it right.

its_ p a o

Witty Punching Bag


Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:58 pm
Mauja blushed under his fur upon the confirmation that he had indeed gotten her name wrong. Way to go, idiot. he thought to himself, clenching his jaw tightly for a moment before relaxing again into an easy smile. "Isi it is then." He said with a well mannered nod, as though a deal had been settled between the pair. But he quickly caught on to the last art of her sentence. "Liar." Mauja bounced forward a step. "Liar, liar. Fur on fire." Dancing in place, he stuck out his tongue, proud that he had been observant enough to catch the tired look in her eyes. "You look half asleep even now!" He didn't know for sure, of course. But that was Mauja. He thought everything was some sort of conspiracy in hiding.

He bounced again on his front paws as she attempted to remember his name. So close. Almost there. He was silently cheering for her as she searched for the last part to his name. Part of him wanted her to know it while another part wanted her to forget so he wouldn't feel so bad for saying her name wrong earlier. Mauja. Right? His grin grew even wider when she finally said it. " Yup! Nice memory." Moving forward, he began to strut in a circle around the white cub. "I mean, really, my name is Mauja'gonjwa. But someone my size doesn't need a name that long anyways." His full name sounded far too formal anyway. That was a burden he would have to carry when he was older. But for now, he preferred just Mauja.

Sitting back down in his sunny spot on the rock, he flopped over, rolling onto his back. Paws in the air, he regarded his more serious adopted sibling with curiosity. "Well, if you sleep so well, why are you up this early? Most of the pride is still asleep." Aside from the soft coughing of the sick from the dens on the other side, most of the sleeping dens were still quietly packed with the bodies of sleeping cats. Only the a few guards had left already to go on their morning rounds, and a few hunters hoping to return with a morning meal.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:34 am
Mauja's rather cheerful disposition was a bit contagious, and so were his energetic replies. She was surprised to note that he did notice that she was lying through her teeth, so when he teased her just a bit about it she smiled sheepishly, shrugging it off and letting him bit of fun at her expense. She was too tired to give a convincing comeback anyway, so if she tried it'd probably just help him prove his point.

She waited only a couple of seconds after her guess at his name, and once he confirmed that she was right Isi breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't need another thing he could hang over her head over the course of their conversation that morning. "Long names can be good though," she commented, thinking on it for a second. "At least I think so. Don't know why, but I do."

Her tired, orange orbs followed Mauja as he made his way back onto his little sunning rock. She wanted to follow, but stayed put because she didn't want to lie down and accidentally fall asleep in the middle of their conversation. She didn't really want to sleep at all, but her young body was almost starting to protest. Almost. She could probably stay awake for a couple more hours. When he directed another question at her, the little cub raised a brow at him. "I could ask you the same question," she replied, half smirking.

its_ p a o

Witty Punching Bag


Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 3:46 pm
Mauja heard the relief in her sigh when he had confirmed his name. It made him feel a little better than she had been under pressure to remember the name as well. Her comment about long names being a good thing made him smile on the inside just a bit. ”I dunno.” He said with a shrug, trying not to seem too proud of his name now. ”It seems like a burden. Something I have to live up to.” Expectations scared him. He felt that he would never be good enough to live up to what others wanted him to be. Not that he even wanted to. He wanted to be his own person. Not the copycat image that somebody else had thought up for him.

”I could ask you the same question.” Her reply made him grin. ”Well now, dear sister.” He began with a slow drawl. With a paw, he drew a circle around the rock he was laying on. ”See this? Once the sun rises in the morning, this rock is in full view of the sun. It gets toasty warm.” A shadow cast from one of the nearby dens had already begun to encroach upon one corner. ”But later on, around this time, the shadow begins to take over and the warmth is lost.” He dropped his voice low for dramatic effect before slamming a paw on the rock in an attempted to make startle Isi.

”I like to get up early before the rock isn’t warm anymore.” He didn’t feel like mentioning that the rock’s warmth could often put him to sleep, letting him gain a few more vital hours that he would restlessly lose during the night. The prospect of this disease scared him more than he would ever care to explain. Especially to a girl. Uncomfortable now, he decided to change the subject. ”How do you like life in the pride so far?” His voice was rather soft now, much of the joking gone. It was a honest question and he was legitimately curious.
PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 6:16 am
Ihsan didn't really understand what he meant by "living up to" the name he was given. He could probably change it to a much shorter name if he wanted, so besides the length what's the difference? It's just a name, after all. She let the thoughts go and kept quiet though, as she didn't want to belittle his feelings on the subject. She was perfectly content with her name, but Isi wasn't so clueless as to believe that everyone shared the same contentedness with theirs. The whole subject of names disappeared as he went on to answer the question that she'd returned to him, smiling somewhat at how he was going about it.

Isi's exhaustion was becoming more and more apparent as he started explaining the whole situation with his sunning spot. By the time he lowered his voice her eyelids were half-closed, so when he slammed his paw down she woke with a start. It took her a moment to figure out what happened, and when she did she smiled apologetically at him. "Sorry," she started once he finished explaining, avoiding eye contact. She must have looked really tired. "I'm still a little sleepy."

There was a moment of silence after that, until he carried on with their conversation. Isi was grateful for the change of subject, especially to one that she had a rather simple answer to. She'd given it a lot of thought already, her life with her new adoptive family. Isi rather liked it..

"It's nice," she started, her smile slowly fading soon after the words left her mouth. "To have a family and place to belong I mean, it's nice." The cub hesitated to continue with what she was going to say, ultimately deciding to keep it to herself. "How 'bout you?" she asked instead, a forced smile now resting on her maw. She didn't want to worry him; he probably had his own thoughts on the disease and its affect on the lions within the pride. There was no need to burden him with her own.

its_ p a o

Witty Punching Bag


Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 5:05 pm
The attempt to startle his adopted sibling worked better than he had hoped, and right afterwards, he almost felt guilty. She seemed to be a lot more tired than she was letting on. He stood up, stretching his paws out in front of him again in a stretch. Instead of going back to a sitting position this time however, he rocked to his feet and moved a few steps over. Gesturing with his head towards the rock, he grinned lopsidedly. ”You need it more than I do.” He watched her, waiting, hoping that she wouldn’t turn down the offer. It was obvious that she was exhausted.

Mauja listened to her response to his question, and noted with concern as the playful smile soon fell away. It didn’t quite occur to him that she knew life outside the pride. That her real parents were somewhere out there as well. He knew his way around the pride, and in his small world, that was enough. Even when he saw his mother rarely, she was still there if or when he ever needed her. It helped to have that little bit of reassurance sometimes.

He saw the hesitation in her eyes when she chose not to add on to her first statement and turned it back on him. For a single moment, he wanted to pursue the matter, but he let it slide for the time being. ”It’s great.” He said with a bit of a forced grin on his face. He was quiet for a moment before he let it fall. He may not have been happy, but lying would have been worse. ”It’s hard.” He began slowly, trying to choose his words carefully. ”I’m safe from ever being sick. But that isn’t enough.” How could he explain that it made him so angry that he couldn’t protect his lion siblings. Or that he would slowly watch his friends grow sick and could do nothing to fight it.

How could he explain, when the words he so desperately needed to say would not cross his tongue. That the worry he felt would keep him up for hours each night and the guilt ate away at him when he realized that he was above the fate they would eventually face. ”I’m glad that you like it here.” He said softly. Maybe glad wasn’t the right word. But it seemed to fit at the time.
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:04 am
The cub shook her head at his offer at first, not wanting to take his sunning spot from him just because she looked tired. Actually it was probably pretty obvious that she was tired, but nevertheless, she was getting ready to speak up and decline his offer. Right before she said anything though, the look on his face, the eagerness to help her out when she needed was there. Right on his face, and she couldn't get herself to say no. With a grateful, somewhat hesitant smile Isi made her up the stone with little difficulty and lay flat on top of it. She had her eyes closed for a second, taking in the warmth that the sent left on the rock. "Thanks.." she said softly, but loud enough for him to hear.

She still had her eyes closed as he went on to answer the question she posed, her brows furrowing when he said that it was hard. Ihsan opened her eyes then, looking over her adoptive brother carefully. His words were so sincere, yet somehow hollow to her. Whether it was the fact that he was immune or the fact that he just would never understand what it would be like to be at risk for something as horrible as the plague.. she couldn't really get why it was so hard for him. It was probably a different sort of hard from what she thought, a different sort of challenge that awaited him later on in his life - since he'll probably live to see adulthood - than her, but whatever the reason his words just then were only half-hearted to her. Immunity isn't enough.. was what kept repeating in her head, and she just couldn't believe that, in this pride, there was anything more 'enough' to a lion or lion hybrid than being immune. She probably would never understand it any more than he could understand her reasons and every other lion's in the pride.

Still, the little cub kept silent and simply nodded. Not that she didn't love her adoptive family, of course she did. She and her sisters were taken in by them, albeit to a pride where lions are at a very high risk for contracting a fatal illness, but a home nonetheless. "Yeah.." she replied in regards to his last comment.

The little female couldn't fight off the exhaustion for much longer. She closed her eyes again, taking a deep breath as she did. "This spot is really comfy.." she started to say, but never finished. Soon enough the cub was sleeping rather soundly on the sunning stone, as carefree as any cub could be. Not even the prospect of being sick or getting a ugly one of those would be enough to wake her. Not just yet.

its_ p a o

Witty Punching Bag

[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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