oldest to newest here!!! I hope you enjoy... i sure did stare
(school project)
A streak of grey
A flash of blue
Are you sure
It didn't follow you
Teeth that gleam
Sharp as needle point
Hunter wolf ready
In every joint

Guiding Light
(from my hopeless faze)
A flicker
A flavor
A memory just out of reach
You can just barely taste that time
Sometimes you can't be sure if it was real
But then the waves of pain rise up
Take you under
You drift in the haze
The drops of love dripping away
Until nothing is left but you
And pain
Only time can heal this you thought
But now you know nothing will heal this wound
So you let it pull you under
Devour you
Then light appears
And you find that friends wait
Even though the hardest times
A friend will wait and help till you heal
A true friend will wait forever
They will be your guiding light

Summer Night
(my most bashed poem... also most public)
The color blends into dusk
Melding, mixing with musk
Sweet flowers yet to yield 
The perfume of a berry field

Faery feet fair and small
Prancing, dancing to the wall
Bees buzzing by the brooke 
Seeing what the faery took

Cautious eyes take a peek 
Careful for the bird's beak
Trees dancing all alone
For they feel they're at home

Lazy King
(About my kitty Fidget)
Swift hunter taking flight
Running fast muscles pulled tight
Eyes that gleam in the dark
Quickly catching the lark

Purring in your ear
Just to let you know he's here
Pouncing silently on the ground
To capture what he's found
Tiger's eye peeking 'round

Lazy king ruling from the back
He will always be our cat

Wind and Fire
(my Shannon Hale Books of Bayern poem)
The wind blows
Lifting, carrying a soul
Carrying a heart
To help it be whole

A fire burns
Catches wood to linger
Caressing it with
It's heated finger

A girl cries
Alone and cold
The wind and the fire
Keeping a tight hold

(random art weather poem)
The clouds are being pulled down to us
like dripping paint on a canvas
The wind causes the trees to quiver
and you grab a coat so not to shiver

Strange Reason
(my very first emoish poem I'm sharing that i wrote today)
She loves the inevitable release,
The cold raw ache,
and the fierce force of
each sound,
like a heart beat of something foreign,
each smell,
like a new inspiration,
and each face,
like a distant memory,
which is the reality the comes,
before she slips, sliding
back under,

Her Symphony
(second poem i wrote today... loosely based on the movie Sucker Punch)
The pain wells up inside
so she closes her eyes
and sways to let it fade
to a place of memory
where she can breathe
and just be

But then the music ends
and the light comes
her back
a supposed rescue
a two sided smile
that could have been saved
for the wisher

So now the ache ebbs
and she waits to find her release
once again
then the pressure comes
and with a smooth smile
she slips to the inviting
dark formless place
that now feels like home