Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:50 pm
I have been a member of this guild for...probably two weeks now. I have tried a few times to win a Soquili but other than the one or two contest I do not see how a new person can obtain a Soquili. Also...I don't find the guild very easy to move around in or find information. It's fairly confusing how to actually GET a Soquili. I would like to join in with the RP'ing however I can't until I have a Soquili, I believe.
This guild is very...wordy. It's not very succinct and it's frustrating as such a newbie to not have any information when I really want to be involved.
Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:57 pm
Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:40 pm
Seconding that you might have better luck with the main thread, rather than relying on the guild for guidance. Bigger events are typically posted for the general public to see, either in the thread itself or on the front page where the Updates section is located. And Lunar is correct. It usually takes far longer than two weeks for a person to obtain their first Soquili, especially if they are not active in the main thread. While there are opportunities to obtain Soquili throughout the month, there is also a huge demand for them, and the colorists can only provide a certain number of pets before it becomes a ridiculous chore. There are occasionally newbie-only events, so keep a look-out for those. Newbie in this case is defined as people with two or less Soquili, but they are definitely better odds than an event open to everyone.
As far as the guild being wordy, again, check out the front page of the main thread. It has roughly the same information in a condensed format. If you're still confused about something specific, you can always ask for help in the thread. There is typically at least one staff member chatting there, and they're usually happy to clear things up for anyone who is unsure about the rules. If you are new to the B&C as a whole, I would also suggest this thread to give you an idea of what to expect from most shops.
Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 5:58 pm
Also you can rp without a Soq.
You can make an indian persona to rp with
High-functioning Counselor
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:35 am
I like to suggest to people that if you really wanna make a nitch for yourself as far as rp goes; maybe try to get a familiar since those have become fairly easy to get. then you can rp a little with some people and get to know others. great way to break into this shop.
but really... newbie or not... best thing to do if the main thread is too overwhelming to you is to stalk the services guild. your areas of interest will be sales stable, customs, contests, shop services.. mostly... sometimes the events forum...
like RIGHT NOW there is a newbie basket contest going on
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:45 am
yes I know, thank you! I have entered already!
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:28 am
You're new to B/C in general, aren't you? It can be confusing as a whole until you get the hang of it. Only smaller shops can you expect to get something within two weeks, if they're holding a contest. Soq is one of the huge ones. With everyone competting with, literally, a few hundred other people if it's not a RP or Newbie contest. But if you keep at it, you'll get one eventually. Once you do, you'll find a lot of people to roleplay with. So it's worth it in the end if you're really into that.
I agree with the familiar and native suggestions. It would also show people whether you're dedicated to your plots and RPs or not. For those who RP, having family members just sitting around collecting dust doesn't make them very happy.
My PM box is open if you want some help with B/C as a whole. I love helping people settle here. <3
Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:15 pm
We will have regular flat sales soon again and more of the Wishing Star happening to give ppl more chances.