Slave Containment Center:

The Slave Containment Center is the largest slave market in the world, famous for their well kept slaves, and sophisticated system.

Buying Slaves: When buying slaves keep in mind all character's belong to someone, and so permission is required before official purchase. These can be arranged in a large range of ways, over PM, in a topic, or even spur of the moment in the center. As long as both sides comply all that is required afterward is the finalization of the purchase, which is the listing of each others character's names in each others profiles.

Selling Slaves: While waiting to be purchased, it is very bad if you pester the masters to buy your character, and if there are enough complains, you may be banned depending on the circumstance. Just present your character well, and you'll have no problem. Also just to be clear, though being to persistent isn't encouraged, asking politely is.