Name: Caligo Ignis (Cal for short)


Gender: Male

Species: Half Shadow Demon, 1/4 Human 1/4 Fire Demon

Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5 Ft 9

Weight: 155

Teacher or Student: Student

Bio:Lived a normal human life for sixteen years with his parents, he always knew he was diffrent but he never knew just how different he really was, until the truth came up and smacked him in the face. One day last year on a trip to wisconsin dells with his parents he got into a car crash, supposedly with a drunk hit and run driver, he was the only one that survived. In the hospital he was approached by a man who revealed himself to be part of an organization that delt with the diffrent elemental planes of existence, he also revealed that his parents were actually foster parents sent to protect him by the same organization. They were killed by shadow demons who attempted to kidnap cal, and not by a drunk driver. Cal himself is the grandson of the shadow demon king Crulah, who is trying to take over all of existance. Cal could not beleive any of this but when the demons burst into the hospital room and were killed by the man he quickly beleived. Now he is honing his powers and gaining strength to combat his grandfathers dark army and save all of existance, working alongside the members of the organization. Which brings him to this school.

Powers: Darkness control, Fire control, enhanced physical abilities and senses, Demonic traits, Can put others under illusions with his eyes

Other: Has a sword in which he is skilled in using and can channel his energy into

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