Garek Maxwell
Zaerin Grey
I know this is a little old, but...

I just wanted to offer my support and help if it is needed.

Oh, no, I've been meaning to update this thread but life's been a teensy bit more tiring than normal for some reason in combination with being busy. sweatdrop

And thanks a bunch Zaerin! I really appreciate it. Actually, if you want, I can make you a moderator for the guild. You don't have to be one or anything. I'm sure it's odd for me to just up and offer it out of the blue without consulting others, but you're a gaian mod. I doubt there would be opposition. razz

As far as gold or items or stuff, I don't think we'll be needing any at this time... but I'll keep it in mind. I've heard the guild has money too, so that may help.

I know it seems like the guild isn't the most active thing in the world right now, but I actually noticed a difference. I swear there's been more new blood joining lately than there ever has been since starting as a mod here and there's more activity than there was before...just a smidgen. It's exciting to me! sweatdrop

No need to put me on staff here, but I'll keep an eye out smile I'm just gettin' back into the swing of poking around here besides!
And yay for a smidgen of activity! It's better than none!