Name: Kana Miyake
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Shapeshifter
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5'0
Weight: 97 ibs.
Teacher or student: Student
Bio: Found on a nice ladies front porch when she was a little baby. When she was ten she found out she had the gift of shape change, then unspeakably horrid things started happening around her. One day she came home and that nice lady was dead. Kana blamed herself before she found out about the Hunters, though deep inside she can't get rid of the nagging sensation that she caused that nice woman's death. She was on the run until she found this school, a safe heaven for the gifted.
Powers: Able to Shift into most animals. If Kana hs enough strength she can slightly alter her appearance. Has powerful influence over wind.
Other: Is flexible, likes hearing secrets, some times she likes to scare people. She rarely wears shoes because they cant shift with her. Always wears a blue key around her neck.
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