These rules apply in the main forum if you decide to post a topic there with the [RP] tag in the title.

Main Rules
• The main guild rules still apply.

• Reminder: Sexual role play (cybering) is forbidden.
If role play is getting suggestive, please take it to the PMs. We don't care what you do there.

• Violence has leeway, but please do not get extreme with it. We don't need Saw XXII here.

• If a thread has special rules, please respect them.

• We have a three warning system. After three, it's a ban from RPing in this guild. If caught posting in the RP sub-forum or RP threads, it's a ban from the guild.
If you repeatedly disobey the special rules in a thread, you will receive one of these warnings.

One on One [1x1] RPs
• If you want to indicate your thread is preferably One on One, include the [1x1] tag in the thread title.

• Respect one another.
Indicate you would like to join politely. This can be done in a role playing manner if you wish.
If politely asked to leave a thread, please do so.
In turn, be polite when asking people to not join in your role play thread.

• Just because a thread is [1x1] does not mean this will be enforced despite it evolving out of being one on one. Meaning that if the thread voluntarily evolves into a many-participant RP thread, moderators will not close the thread or remove users.

(Older rules developed by Mortella.)