Name: Elizaveta Braginsky
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Half-demon
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 140
Teacher or Student: Students
Bio: I really never had much friends. People used to tease me because I looked different until I just couldn't take it no more, I literally snapped. I had nearly killed one of he classmates because of that, now everyone try their best to avoid me mostly because of that 'accident'.
A couple days later my parents came to talk to me. It turns out my father was a demon. That out-beak at school was because I was a half-demon. It took me a very long time to accept it. Immediately after accepted I was half demon I moved to here hoping those bad memories would go away
Powers:Can make Shadow puppets and can make weapons from thin air
Other: She has a pet kitty nameEli
Picture:User Image