I do not know if he is something she would like. But for Jill.
Lenn is the youngest of the Debe family, the shyest yet bravest at the some time. He is a true Pure, nothing goes through his mind that is even a little evil. He is never jealous, always kind to everyone, always seeing the light even in the darkest of exteriors. He wants to give as much as he can to others without taking away from those he loves. Always making sure he has time for his family. But always longing for someone who understands him. Someone who needs him. Someone to protect, to guide, to be guided by, to inspired, to be inspired by.
He playes the tambourine in his family's band, but also helps his father write the music of the songs. (His 2 sisters play the flute and trumpet, and brother plays the violin. All three of his siblings I own already, and all three are mated. His mother, when I get her, is the manager, and sings when there is words in the songs. And the father, when I get him, writes the songs with his children's help but mostly Lenn's help, and plays the piano when needed. )