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Alien Senshi

19,450 Points
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:50 am

Aka, Alanna of Trebond >3 <333333333

I've had a form filled out for the knight of my childhood for.... well over a year now, but haven't till recently had the funding to openly and actively go for her. Figured I might as well make up a quest thread as well to keep my stuff organized >>;;;~

And if anyone would like to quest for Jonathan to go with her, I'd be quite happy 8D

Sorry GeorgexAlanna lovers, I wasn't as attached to the books once she left Jon. So sue me >>;;;

Funding: 2175k/2175k - just need the slot! <3
Items to sell: Fallen Wish 6th Gen., Gogh Reed 13th Gen., Angelic Manner = 2250k
Attempts Made:
1.) Juls - July '11
2.) Mind - June '11
PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:51 am

Edit Category: Heavy
Soquili Species: Uni/Kirin
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Commercial Character - Alanna of Trebond from Song of the Lioness by Tamora Pierce
WIP Needed? Only so I can see the sketches for the edits, please~ <3

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: A golden tan, a little bit darker than the mare seen here? Should be the original Kirin body.
Face: Violet, "amethyst" purple eyes. Eyebrows the same color as her mane.
Mane: Edited. Straight red-copper, style between the second to last and last seen there.
Tail: Uni tail. Body color till hitting the longer hair, which should be the same red-copper as her mane. Is it possible to use the male's? oAo
Hooves/Fetlocks: Hooves could be either dark brown, or maybe a silver with a slight glowing purple appearance to the bottoms? Or just silver. Whichever looks better <3

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn: Normal Uni horn. Silver, I'd like for it to be glowing purple, especially towards the tip. oAo~
Scales: A gold, like her armor below. Maybe a bit darker/lighter if needed. I'd like for her to have the lower leg scales of the alternate Kirin lines as well, if it's possible to do so without changing the style of the fetlocks as well? I prefer the shorter, softer fetlocks for her.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: None, less the shell necklace can be colored to look like the necklace below?
Custom Items: The necklace seen here, it's a simple silver chain with a bright red stone hanging from it. It's described as an ember burning within a crystal shell, so I'll leave it up to the colorist how to depict it. The next two pieces, I'm not entirely sure of a design. I'd like for her to perhaps have gold-washed chain mail across her chest - exact design is CC, but I'd like for it to make sense on a horse - with the red and golden symbol on her shield seen here upon it. How exactly the symbol would be attached however, I'm afraid I must leave up to CC >>;; I'd also like for her sword to be possibly resting on the ground next to her? Or attached to her "hip" by a belt made of gold wire picked out with amethysts. Or instead of that - less all of it is magically possible - a black cat beside her front hooves, with eyes the same color as hers. If all of this is too much to count for heavy, the only pieces I truly care about are her necklace, that her shield symbol be seen somehow, and that's it. If alterations need to be made to fall under Heavy, I'm quite okay with this! D:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Alanna of Trebond
Owner: Kailey Koreco
Breed: Knight of Tortall
Temper: Fiery
Mate: None
Tag Background: Mountain Forest or Woodland Path? Whichever looks better D:
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC


Alien Senshi

19,450 Points
  • Giving Spooks the Spook 100
  • Never Give Up 35
  • The Wolf Within 100
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