Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:47 pm
The brightly blue mare was moving slowly through a small clump of trees. It was early in the morning and she'd just woken. From her side of the forest, she still had the shadows over her body. The lowered temperature had been making her uncomfortable. So she awoke to move her body into the sun to continue sleeping. Too tired to fly or go around the trees, she opted to go through them. Had she been fully awake, she would have known this wasn't a very wise idea.
Tossing her head up towards the sky once, the bell on the end jingling loudly, Ni'awtu reached the end of the small woods...
Only to be pulled back into it.
Startled into wakefulness, she turned her head slightly to see what was holding her back into the shade. At once her face changed to that of utter irritation.
Her mane, the long curly strands of it, were caught on a low hanging branch. Stomping her hooves a bit in the dirt, the mare pulled on the hair until she nearly lost her footing. Now her neck hurt. She huffed out her nose, digging her hooves into the ground below her. The only way to get out of this predicament would be to either break the branch or somehow untangle the hair with her teeth. The former wasn't too appealing to her. She would have a branch stuck in her hair. Nor was the other option. That could take a while. And she was still tired.
"Branches...." she muttered, twisting her body around to get a good reach of the branch with her mouth. "Always branches."
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:39 am
Light creeping over the horizon stirred the stallion from slumber, Aurouealis rose as he did everyday with the light of dawn and he singing of birds. Stretching to wake his sleepy muscles he began his trek through the meadow and to the forest, perhaps it was time to venture there once more. Despite his rather long mane well kept mane.
As the rainbow stallion approached he noticed the bright blue mare caught in the trees, and from where he stood she looked troubled, and so Aurouealis sped up pace cantering to the mare’s aid. Mother had always told him never to leave another distressed, and aid those in need always.
"Good day," He called in his calm seasoned tone as he approached so she wouldn't be too startled by his quick approach. The pace of orange hooves slowed as he came in front of the mare. Moving around he inspected the problem with a slight smile "M'lady may I offer my assistance?" moving over to the branch he stretched out his neck inspecting it. This mare had such a lovely mane Aurourealis would have to be delicate.
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:23 pm
Ni'awtu had her hair in her mouth by the time she was joined by another. With the black mass still between her teeth, she turned her head curiously. She wouldn't lie that help would be greatly appreciated. She wasn't very good at asking for it herself. Nor had she seen or smelled anyone in the area. But she supposed the wind could have carried any scents away from her.
Finally letting go of the hair, she stepped away from the offending branch. "I would greatly love the assistance," the mare answered, a smile not touching her lips. "I was not watching where I was going..." She laid back her ears at the admittance of her lack of focus, clearly annoyed at herself for it. Her hair was very long. It was obvious it had been this way for awhile. It could be easily assumed this wasn't the first time she had encountered this trouble. Yet she always seemed to find herself in this situation.
Indeed. She needed to find herself a little critter to carry around just for these circumstances. Helpful Soq just didn't fall out of the sky every time you got into trouble. Ni'awtu needed to take more care to watch where she was going.
Not wanting to appear rude, she moved her ears back forward towards the stallion. Her one visible pale purple eye moved over his coat. Such a strange set of markings. Almost like colorful clouds over a dark sky, free from a single glitter of the stars.
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:52 am
PAOD gave an understanding nod "Ah I have had this happen to myself from time to time." he admitted. His entire family had long manes and he was quite used to such things. Gingerly in his teeth he took her mane untangling it with utmost care, making sure he didn't tug or pull any of the sensitive hair.
"Ah there all out."
Finished he took a few respectable steps back to give the lady her space. He got a good look at the mare she reminded him of a scaled tiger. "Ah I see you have Kirin blood in you." He had traveled long and far yet that breed was very secretive to itself always holding mystery about it. A curious tale may be found from his mare. PAOD loved a good story telling as well hearing, a thirst for knowledge like that of his mother had always surrounded the stallion.
"My apologies, M'lady, so rude have I been I'm Prismatic Aurourealis of Death but you may call me Aurouealis for short." He gave the mare a deep bow. One must always be courteous.
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:59 pm
The bright blue mare moved closer to the darker stranger as he went to remove her mane from the branch. So it would be as painless as possible, she made sure the hair between her neck and the tree was as slack as possible without invading his personal space. Some were rather sensitive about that. She, herself, didn't like others getting too close. Even this distance was causing her to get anxious. Her front hooves danced a little in the grass while she waited to be freed.
Once she was she, too, took a step back away from the stallion, her ears turning back forward. During the move closer, they had flattened against her head, clearly showing her discomfort. Now that she had her breathing space back, they were forward. Alert. Comfortable.
The large wings flapped once before folding themselves against her sides at the mention of one half of her blood, making the scales along her back stand out more. As if they didn't want to be ignored by the more rarer type of Soq she showed. And more mystical. From her dead beloved, Ni'awtu had learned all about the Kirin side of her. How they had magical abilities through the horn on their forehead like a Unicorn, but not as powerful in healing abilities. She, obviously, lacked the horn, so she had no special powers that she knew of. But she did have the scales on her forehead that would have surrounded her horn.
"I do," was all the mare could think of to respond with. She never was very good with social situations. It had gotten worse since leaving her home territory. So used to having the same Soq around her. Now it was all strangers.
Blinking at the name, she tried to repeat it back...And failed. So long!
"Ni'awtu. Is my name. It is nice to meet you, Aurouealis. I thank you for freeing me." The tone of voice was friendly enough, but a smile didn't touch her lips. A smile rarely did. As if she had forgotten how to.
Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:48 am
"You are the first I have seen, please pardon my stare I hope I did not insult you Miss." it would be a shame if he did so, Kirin though are more common place now he had yet to see one in all his travels, she was certainly a rarity for him to see and she was quite lovely at that.
PAOD smiled softly as a chuckle escaped him as the mare attempted a few times to say his entire name, "Many can rarely reply to my full name," he had seen many other soquili in his own travels, so many different faces.
"You are quite welcome, Miss Ni'awtu,"
He would have to go visit his parents and young brother again sometime soon, he'd have to find them first though. He paused for a moment perhaps she would have a story to tell from her own travels the thought crossed his mind. Should he ask her? The stallion nodded inwardly and spoke kindly though if it was too personal he doubted she would say anything couldn't hurt to ask too much though he didn't think.
"If I may what brings you out this way?"
Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:38 am
"The first half-Kirin?" she asked in that soft voice of hers, devoid of most emotions. Shikoba was always telling her she should really try to put a bit more into her voice. Make it louder. Less monotone. But why should she? She'd been treaded over too many times to really bother with the effort of it anymore. There was little in the world that could inspire much of a reaction out of her. So, no, she definitely wasn't offended by anything this stallion might do or say to her. So long as he kept his distance. Not for fear of him exactly. She liked a lot of space around her. "I am not offended. I can imagine finding anyone with Wind blood to be much more common." As she'd seen from a distance many times herself. Regular Soquili or those with wings were almost everywhere. Unicorns, as well, there seemed to be no shortage of. But Kirin especially seemed rare. Unless they had small traits she couldn't see from far away, like scales too close in color to the rest of their body, she couldn't say she'd seen any herself. Or, fortunately, any Walkers or Kalona. What brought her out here? Nothing as imaginative as he might be thinking. "I was just looking for a sunny place to continue sleeping. It was getting cold. But I've had too rude an awakening and am no longer tired."